Page 69 of Sex on the Beach

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“He’s not my dad,” she whispered as her arm dropped.

Billy pulled her into a hug at the same time Hank reached out and grabbed the paperwork. I watched as my eldest brother read the results and I saw his jaw tense. I could see the pain and anger behind his eyes. It was obviously not just a betrayal to Cheyenne, it was a betrayal to him.

From the pictures I’d seen and drunken stories Pop would tell me, Hank and our mama were real close. Pop used to say that Hank and Mama were two peas in a pod. I could see that he was definitely having some feelings about Cheyenne’s paternity, but I doubted he’d ever say what they were.

Without saying one word, Hank set the papers down and walked out of the bar.

“So what are you going to do?” Billy asked as Cheyenne sniffed and stepped back.

“I don’t know.” Our sister bit her bottom lip. “I just need to think about it.”

If there were a possibility that Jennings Abernathy was my father, I wouldn’t be sure I’d want to know either. Hell, I wasn’t even sure I wanted to know if he was my sister’s father. But I guess the truth was the truth. It usually came to light. I was actually surprised that this had stayed a secret as long as it had.

Billy took out a bottle of Jameson and poured three shots. Without saying a word, we each picked one up and knocked it back.

Cheyenne grimaced as she set the glass back down. “Should someone check on Hank?”

“No!” Billy and I both shouted at the same time.

Her eyes widened and then, for some reason, we all started laughing. And laughing.

I didn’t know if Cheyenne was ever going to find out who her real father was. I wasn’t sure how Hank was going to process the news that our sister was a half-sister. And I had no idea if I was ever going to see Bella again. But I knew that I had my family. And that was enough. It wasn’t everything I wanted, but it was enough.
