Page 74 of Sex on the Beach

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Iwas still catching my breath when I heard the screen open and a woman’s voice. “I’m back and I brought—”

Well, there was my answer. That could go wrong.

“Actually, I…” Jimmy cut her off.

“Oh my God… Someone’s here?”

Her voice lowered when she said here, and I found myself getting up from my chair and sneaking over to the corner so I could hear better. I wasn’t normally the eavesdropping type. Or maybe I was, just like I was apparently the secret-keeping type.

“You’re seeing someone,” she whispered. “That’s why you were so weird this morning.”

I wished that I could see her face. She didn’t sound upset. More curious than anything.

“I’m seeing someone,” Jimmy confirmed.

His response had me grinning like the cat that ate the canary. Jimmy Comfort and I were seeing each other. He’d just said it himself. Maybe for any other twenty-five-year-old, that wouldn’t seem like such a big milestone. But for me, it was monumental.

“Well, I would ask if she was special, but from the look in your eye, I can see that she is.”

My smile grew wider.

“Do you want to meet her?” Jimmy asked.

Wait. What. Meet her?

Why would he ask that? I felt like my heart was going to pound out of my chest, like I’d been caught doing something I shouldn’t. I mean, yes, technically I was eavesdropping, but I had started to rush back to the couch when I heard my name.

“Isabella, can you come here for a sec?” Jimmy called out.

“Um…sure…” I stumbled over my words as I simultaneously stumbled over the coffee table. I knocked a tiny ship right off the table and barely caught it before I landed on my forearms with a thud. When I lifted my head, I saw there were feet on the floor in front of me.

I looked up and saw Jimmy standing over me. He held his hand out. “Everything okay in here?”

“Yep.” I took his hand and he easily pulled me up off the ground. “Thanks.”

I clumsily stood and he led me around the corner, his hand settled on my lower back. I was checking to make sure my clothes were straight from my fall, and when I looked up I saw one of the most stunning women I’d ever seen in my life standing in the doorway.

She reminded me of a Mila Kunis, if Mila Kunis had been built like Kim Kardashian. She was wearing a light blue sundress with a waist that was, at the most, twenty inches. In one hand she had a bottle of wine and in the other she had a bag of takeout food.

It was clear that she’d come to have dinner with Jimmy. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who was using the just-show-up method.

Jimmy’s thumb rubbed up and down my lower back, making me instantly feel more comfortable as he made introductions. “Isabella, this is Reece. Reece, Isabella.”

It was strange hearing him use my full name. But I liked it. I liked that only he used the name Bella with me.

Reece took a step toward us and I got a whiff of what could only be described as a fresh, summer breeze. The woman even smelled beautiful.

She handed Jimmy the bottle and offered me her hand. “Hello, Isabella.”

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you,” I offered as I shook it.

Her eyes were scanning me, but I didn’t feel like she was doing it in a negative way, or even a checking out the competition way. There was no judgment in her gaze. It was more like she was studying me.

“It is very nice to meet you, Isabella.” Her smile was wide. “Well, I’d better be going.”
