Page 77 of Sex on the Beach

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Before her laughter died down, I scooped Bella into my arms and headed toward the bedroom. There was a lot more that I thought she might want to add to her list, and then check off. Her giggling continued as I held her tightly against me and she wrapped her arms around my neck, clinging to me. My taste buds were coated with her sweet juices making my mouth water.

“Oh my god!” she gasped.

“What?” I stopped.

She pointed to the large mirror that hung in the dining room. The one that was positioned perfectly for me to see her from the front door when she’d snuck right up to the corner to overhear what Reece and I were talking about.

Leaning back, she looked in my eyes, there was a slight bit of panic in them. “Did you see me?”

I nodded, not voicing just how adorable she’d looked at that moment. I didn’t want to push my luck by inundating her with compliments.

Her face flushed and she returned to her original position, burying her face in my neck. “Sorry about that.”

“I was impressed you lasted as long as you did. If the roles were reversed, my ass would’ve been out of that chair the second I heard you open the door.”

She shook her head against my chest and I tightened my hold on her. As I looked at our reflection in the mirror, my heart expanded to double its size. I could feel the pressure of it in my chest. The woman I held in my arms was my heart, and that’s what I saw reflected back at me. Tears pricked the back of my eyes with that realization.

A woman I hadn’t even known existed a week ago now held the pink slip to my heart. She owned me.

“What’s wrong?” she asked quietly after I stayed in place for a minute, standing still in the hall.

There was no way I could share what was actually running through my head. Instead, I said, “I was just thinkin’ you look like one of those little animals girls used to put on pencils.”

She looked over her shoulder and her eyes widened. “Oh my gosh, I do. I can get down.”

She started to squirm, causing the heat of her core to grind along my rock-hard erection. I held her tight, not letting her go as I pressed my hard-on against her. “Honey, you can clip onto my pencil anytime.”

Her giggle was back and, although I wouldn’t have thought it was possible, my heart expanded even further. In an attempt to keep things light and playful, I squeezed her backside as I raced down the hallway to the bedroom. She kept laughing and held on for dear life.

I still hadn’t processed everything that Bella’d told me, but that didn’t change the fact that I was going to take any and all of the time she was offering. I didn’t want to think about her not being here, ever—but she was here now, and I was going to take full advantage of that.

When we got to my bed, I bent down and gently laid her on top of my comforter. With her arms still wrapped around my neck and her legs around my waist, she began peppering light kisses down my neck. My entire body buzzed with arousal. Nerve endings I’d never known I had tingled with desire.

As much as I appreciated feeling her open-mouth kisses, I was ready to do some smoochin’ of my own. Plus, if she didn’t stop, the inside of my boxer-briefs were about to be coated with baby batter.

With one hand I grabbed her wrists, which were locked behind my neck, and pinned them above her head, holding them in place. But since I needed that hand back to continue busting sex myths, I commanded, “Stay.”

Her eyes dilated and her lips parted at my barked instruction, which only served to make my balls tingle, driving me even closer to pre-jacking.

Damn, was I ever going to be able to perform at my optimal level with this woman? I looked down into her baby blue eyes, staring up at me with a mix of innocence and adventure as she licked her lips and I had my answer. That answer was no.

Still, I was determined to take things slow this time. The night at Peachtree Peak, I’d barely made it ten minutes. I didn’t even think I’d made it that long in the cave. Tonight, I was going to take time and make sweet, passionate love to her.

That was the plan. But then a tiny grin that had naughty written all over it tugged at her lips, and my resolve nearly snapped like a twig in the path of a rolling boulder.

A moan resonated in my chest as I released my grip on her delicate wrists. I quickly undressed and sheathed myself with protection before tugging her dress up and over her head and her panties down her legs. I needed to get this show on the road if I had any chance of heading off a premature curtain call.

She lifted off the bed to accommodate me as I stripped off her clothing. When she fell back down onto her back, I was happy to see that she returned to the position I’d placed her in, her hands above her head.

Her breasts jiggled, catching my eye. Like a hawk swooping down for his prey, my head dropped, and I captured her nipple in my mouth. Her back arched and I sucked the hardened tip, laving my tongue against it.

My hand massaged the fullness of her opposite breast. Her beaded nub rubbed against my weathered palm, causing a tingle to shoot straight from the point of contact to my heavy cock, throbbing with need.

“Please don’t stop,” she pleaded.
