Page 80 of Sex on the Beach

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Her dark hair was pulled up in a perfectly-placed ponytail. She wore black yoga pants paired with a pink cropped hoodie that showcased her tiny waist and curvy hips. She wasn’t wearing a drop of makeup. It was 4 a.m. And somehow, she looked even more beautiful than she had the night before.

Insecurity began to bubble up inside of me. I just didn’t see how in any world a man would turn down a night with her to spend it with me. But that’s exactly what Jimmy had done. I wondered if that might be because of the information I’d given him.

Maybe he’d felt sorry for me. That was the last thing I’d wanted to happen from our talk. I needed to talk to him and make sure that wasn’t the case. I needed to make it clear to him that I didn’t want his pity, and if we did try and do anything long distance, he could date anyone he wanted. Even if it did make me feel like the time I got hit in the stomach with a fast-flying tetherball. I’d leave that part out.

After all the congratulations, Harlan instructed us to break up in groups of two. I was gladder than ever that Cheyenne had agreed to come. I’d had no idea that anything we’d do would require a partner.

As Cheyenne and I walked to the station we’d been assigned, she whispered, “I got the results back yesterday.”

“You did?”

My first thought was that I’d asked the lab to rush it, but I had no clue they’d be this fast.

My second thought was, shit. From the look on Cheyenne’s face, it wasn’t the news she’d wanted. I wished that Nadia and Reagan were here, they really did the emotional pep talk thing much better than I did.

“Are you okay?” It was all I could think to ask.

“James Comfort is not my biological father,” she said flatly.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.” She grunted as we worked together to push over the tractor tire.

“What are you going to do?” I asked as it thudded to the ground.

Cheyenne wiped her hands together, getting the dust and debris from the tire off. “Reagan offered to covertly collect a DNA sample from Jennings since he’s her boss, but I have another idea. Buuut I’ll need your help.”

“Of course,” I agreed, even before hearing what it was.

“I was wondering if you’d make an appointment to see Jennings, and I’ll go with you.”

“Yes, absolutely. But why me?” It wasn’t that I didn’t want to do it, I just thought it was strange that I would be the one she asked.

“Well, I’d do it myself, but he does his best to avoid me, so I don’t think he’d see me. Reagan works for the man, so I don’t want to involve her. And my brothers all have…shall we say, history…with him. I don’t think they would really be able to keep their cool. He doesn’t know you, and I’m sure he’ll take your appointment. Also, I know we weren’t super close in school, but I’ve known you longer than I’ve known anyone here.”

I hadn’t thought about that. Technically, this was her home and her family, but it probably felt like I had more history with her since we’d gone to school together from sixth to tenth grade.

She lowered her voice even further. “And Jennings Abernathy can—”

“Abernathy?” I whispered. “As in Abernathy Manor?”

“That’s the one. His great-aunt, or as some say, grandaunt, was the one who put the curse on my family.”

Oh, shit. The curse! How in the world had I forgotten the curse? If any Comfort male fell in love, that love would end tragically. If things did go the way that it looked like they were heading, I’d be a walking, talking, self-fulfilling prophecy because our relationship was more than likely going to end in tragedy.

“And he can be a very intimidating man, but I don’t think you’ll have a problem with that.”

“Really? Why?” It was strange that she’d say that considering how shy I’d always been in school.

“I’ve met your dad.” She chuckled. “He’s terrifying.”

Well, she wasn’t wrong.

“And I think that will work in our favor, too. Jennings wouldn’t turn down a meeting with Miles Santini’s daughter.”

“How would he know who I am? Am I supposed to mention it when I call?”

“No.” Cheyenne shook her head. “He’ll know. In fact, I’m sure he already knows who you are and that you’re in town. He knows everything around here.”

“Okay,” I agreed again.

It looked like I was going to get another thing checked off my list. Seventy-one. Be part of an undercover mission.
