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Julie sat on the carpet in the drawing room. The ‘drawing room’ had an apt name finally to it, since Jared, their three-year-old son, was drawing with his new pencils a few feet away from her. Little Victoria was sitting in her lap, sucking on her tiny fists. They had the nanny who disapproved of how they were raising their children, spending most of their time amongst adults. Still, Julie could not help it after the difficulties they went through. Being scared and nervous over both of her pregnancies, she wanted to be close to the little humans they produced. And Robert was the same way. He hated being away from his children for too long.

She heard familiar steps outside the door and leaped to her feet just as Robert strode into the room. He reached her in three long strides and placed a hungry kiss upon her lips.

“Ew,” they heard a disgusted voice of their son.

“Ew?” Robert raised his head, his eyes dancing with laughter. “Does it mean you don’t want a kiss too?”

“No, I’m no babe,” Jared said proudly.

“Aren’t you?” Robert winked conspiratorially at his wife and ran toward his son, scooping him up in his arms. He placed tiny kisses all over his head and face as the toddler shrieked in laughter.

The nanny walked into the room at that moment, wearing her disapproving expression as always. “The kids need to be fed, My Lord,” she said with a curtsy.

“Of course.” Robert placed Jared in the nanny’s hands. She settled him on the floor immediately and reached her arms toward Julie. “Ma’am?” she looked at her as if saying,you know you have to give her to me.Julie unwillingly placed the babe into the stern nanny’s hands, and the latter strode off with Jared trailing her.

Julie immediately walked into her husband’s arms.

“How is the asylum?” she asked into his shirt.

“A lot better. It is still prospering under Tule’s management.”

“And Mary?” Julie smiled. Mary had started working as a nanny for small children in the asylum. She loved being there, loved playing with small babes, and was learning to assert her independence as well as becoming more and more confident each day. Despite that knowledge, Julie still worried about her.

“Mary is perfect, as she always is. You know she loved it here. Besides, she is there only every other fortnight; she will be back soon enough.” He smiled gently at Julie and placed a kiss on her cheek.

“I know, but it’s my job to worry.” Julie raised her head at him, and he ran his thumb over her forehead as if smoothing her frown.

“Yes.” Robert nodded his head. “You have the worst job of all of us.”

“Mmm, worrying over all of you,” Julie agreed quietly, kissing her husband on the neck. The only open part of him she could reach. “And I have so many people to worry over,” she said absently and kissed him again.

“Not too many, I hope?” he said with a smirk.

“Mhmm,” Julie answered distractedly, as she pulled on his cravat and kissed his chin, his cheek. Robert let out a muffled laugh before capturing her mouth with his. Julie immediately folded her body to his, running her hands through his hair. Robert groaned as he let his hands wander over her body, his hungry kisses dulling all her other senses.

“Perhaps we can make some more people for you to worry over,” he whispered, and Julie couldn’t help but laugh.

Suddenly, she was pressed against the wall; her skirts were being lifted. She sucked on his earlobe as he undid his breaches and pressed his hot arousal against her thigh. “I’ve missed you,” she whispered into his ear, then licked the outer crescent of his ear. Robert entered her with a groan in one swift thrust.

“How much?” he whispered against her lips. Julie nipped on his lower lip, then soothed it with her tongue.

“Very,” she said before gasping as he started moving in an erotic rhythm, again and again, bringing them both to the new heights of fulfilment.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Julie said several minutes later, as they were adjusting their clothing. “John is coming in—” she peered into the clock standing in the corner of the room, “twenty minutes.”

“Good, you remembered that before I decided to have you again,” he came closer to her and placed a soft kiss on her mouth. “When did he come to London?”

“Several months ago, he tells me.” Julie shrugged a little. “I guess he wasn’t ready to see me yet,” she said with a sad smile.

“But he is now?” Robert raised his brow at his wife.

“Apparently.” Julie smiled into his eyes. “He says he needs my help.”

“With what?”

Julie looked up at him with a crooked smile. “He is seeking a bride.”

