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Sam swallowed, not quite certain how to react to his words.

He rummaged through his pockets before extracting some small object. He then took Sam’s hand and placed it in her palm. “I realize it isn’t proper to gift things to unmarried ladies, but since we are friends… well, I just wanted to give you a parting gift,” he said, his face dark with some emotion.

Sam uncurled her fingers and looked at her present. It was a tiny pendant with angel wings and a halo. She looked up at him through tear-filled eyes.An angel.

“It’s not just because of the letters,” he said with a sad smile. “The first time we met, when I was flailing in the dirt, you leaned over me and the sun cast a glow around your head like a halo. For a moment, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. I thought you were an angel.”

Sam gave him a strained smile. “My brother, Ben… He was the one who came up with the nickname.”And I failed him. Perhaps I am failing you too.

“Well,” he said, after a moment’s pause. “Farewell.” He turned to leave then, and Sam stopped him by grabbing his arm.

“Wait,” she said, before rising on her toes and bringing her lips toward his face. She was intending to give him a quick peck on the cheek, but at the same moment, John turned and caught her lips with his. His lips were soft and warm, not at all as hard and unyielding as they seemed. His scent reached her senses, surrounding her in a mindless fog. He smelled like clover leaves and horses, and something else, likely his own wonderful masculine scent. She closed her eyes, breathing in the sensation, not wanting to let go.

“You shameless wanton!” came a loud shriek from the doorway.

John and Sam drew apart, startled. Sam placed the back of her hand over her mouth. Lady Montbrook stood in the doorway, a menacing smirk on her lips.

“I knew you were cavorting with this fellow, behind my niece’s back too! Well, you are not getting your hands on her inheritance. Either of you!”

A crowd started gathering behind Lady Montbrook, and Sam’s vision blurred in front of her. Her cheeks heated and her hands covered in perspiration. Just beyond Lady Montbrook’s shoulder, she saw Evie’s surprised gaze.
