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“If she’ll have you, I have no right to stand in her way. But be warned. Husband or no husband, if you hurt her, we’ll come for her,” he said menacingly. Then suddenly he smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “And then we’ll come for you.”

* * *

Samantha paced the length of the library. “They’ve been there a long time, haven’t they?” She stopped and stared at Isabel, who was peacefully embroidering in a chair by the hearth.

“It’s been too quiet. Perhaps Gage killed him,” Adam said in a droll voice.

Sam turned sharply to him. He raised his hands in mock self-defense before raising the paper to cover his face from Sam.

“Why did Richard hit him? Do you think John said something to offend him?”

“I doubt it. The man hadn’t been inside for more than a second before I heard the crash. Gage probably didn’t give him a chance to speak,” Isabel said, not taking her eyes off the embroidery.

Sam resumed pacing. “Then why would Richard hit him?”

She heard a scoff from Adam and turned to him.

“Come now, sister. The man defiled you! Did you expect Gage to throw him a welcome party?”

“He did not defile me,” Sam said, narrowing her eyes on her brother. “It was one blasted kiss and that horrid Lady Montbrook had to jump out from behind the fern to catch us at the exact same moment!”

“Oh, if it was just one kiss then it’s all right,” Adam intoned sarcastically.

Sam heaved a sigh. Now that she thought about it, perhaps Lady Montbrook didn’t happen upon them accidentally. Perhaps she’d followed them in hopes of catching them at indiscretion. Not that she would have any luck if there’d been no indiscretion. It was all Sam’s fault, and now the Montbrooks were taking Evie away and could do whatever they wanted with her. She groaned and resumed her pacing.

Finally, she heard footsteps in the hall, and then the door swung open. She was a bundle of nerves, wound up so tight that she jumped in reaction. Richard peeked his head in, then opened the door fully, but kept to the other side of it.

“Oh, good, you’re here,” he said calmly. “Isabel, Adam, would you mind joining me in the other room? Sam has a visitor.” Sam watched wide-eyed as her family silently filed away. Isabel raised both eyebrows at her as she passed and gave her a sly smile.

“I’ll be just outside the room,” Richard said just as John entered.

Sam blinked at the empty doorway. Had Richard just left her alone with a gentleman after that tirade he’d given her the night before?

“Hello, Sam.” John smiled at her, and Sam concentrated her attention upon him. He still stood one step from the door. He didn’t venture farther into the room, just stood there, looking nervous and uncomfortable. His clothes were in disarray, his breeches and coat soaked in what smelled like alcohol. His hat was crumpled in his hands, betraying his uneasiness. Sam’s gaze roamed him from head to toe, not quite knowing where to rest her eyes.

“Yes?” was all she could say.

He smiled at that. “I…” He cleared his throat. “I need to talk to you.”

Sam nodded. “Of course. What about?”

“Marriage,” he said succinctly.

“Marriage,” she repeated slowly.

“I didn’t think it would come as a surprise.” He frowned. “After what transpired last night.”

“No, it’s not a surprise.” She let out a tiny laugh. “Did you talk to Evie?”

“No, not exactly. Her guardian didn’t let me see her, but he made it clear in no uncertain terms that I am not welcome in their household anymore.”

“I’ve seen her today. For what it’s worth, she is not upset with you.”

“Good.” John shifted uncomfortably from one foot to another. “I know this is probably not what you wanted, but I don’t think we have a choice in the matter. After the scandal last night, it is only logical for us to marry.”

“Just because I am ruined doesn’t mean I don’t have choices,” Sam said miserably.

“I know you do. I am simply giving you another one.” John heaved a sigh. “I know it seems like the scandal is the only reason I am here today. But it isn’t.”
