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Julie disengaged herself from her husband’s side and walked toward John with both arms outstretched. “I am so very glad to see you again.”

John took her hands in his and placed a dry peck on her cheek. As he raised his head, his gaze collided with Clydesdale’s icy one.

“Please, John, do sit down.” Julie indicated a seat and rang for tea and biscuits. She settled into a settee with her husband as John lowered himself into a chair in front of them. “How is life back in England?” she asked softly.

“It’s… complicated. I would rather not bore you with the details. Better tell me how you are and how is Mary? How are the children?” He looked around the toy-littered room.

Julie smiled fondly at the mention of her favorite people. “Mary is in York. She is working as a nanny in the asylum.”

“She is? How did that come to pass?”

“Well, after years of the miracle work Clydesdale and Mr. Tule went through with the place, they’ve turned it into a sanctuary for lunatics and simpleminded people. People whose families cannot care for them. Now we even welcome small children. We went to visit the place several times with Mary, hoping it would help her heal. Imagine our surprise when she displayed a willingness to stay there and help the nurses. She now works there several weeks a year.”

“That’s… it’s incredible news. So her health is better then?”

A shadow passed over Julie’s face, and Clydesdale covered her hand with his. Mary was Julie’s younger sister. She was simpleminded and thus had been sent to an asylum soon after their mother’s passing. Julie had been able to get her out with the help of her husband, but the doctors weren’t kind regarding her prognosis.

“She is… She still has chest problems, and I am afraid she is not as strong as she was when she was younger. But she doesn’t allow me to fret over her—”

“Which you still do,” John interrupted with a smile.

“That’s what I do best.” Julie smiled. “She doesn’t travel much lately, but you should come to the Clydesdale estate. She’d love to see you!”

“Yes, please, come,” Clydesdale echoed unenthusiastically, and Julie darted a reproaching glance his way.

John grinned. “I shall definitely put it on my itinerary. However, I have more pressing issues at hand.” He cleared his throat. “That is why I am here.”

“Of course,” Julie said, searching his face.

“Well, this is the awkward part.” He smiled self-consciously. “As I said in my note, I am in need of a wife. I am not very good in social situations, and I don’t know many people. And no matter what transpired between us, Julie, you are my oldest friend. You know me very well. So I was hoping you would make several introductions to young ladies who you think would suit me.”

“Let me get this straight, you wantusto find you a bride?” Clydesdale leaned closer to John.

“Well, it’s only fair considering you stole my last one,” John answered with a raised brow.

“We shall be happy to help. Won’t we, Robert?” Julie chimed in with a smile.

“I think I’d rather go shoot at something, possibly even myself, than be bride hunting for your dearfriend.” He turned back to John. “No offense.”

“It’s all right, Clydesdale. I wouldn’t take your advice anyway. So, you are forgiven and excused from my bride hunt,” John agreed in what he considered to be a benevolent tone of voice.

John had met the earl just once before, and it wasn’t under the best of circumstances. Considering Julie had been forced to marry him while John was at war, John didn’t have warm and affectionate feelings toward the man. Still, he had to give him credit where it was due. He made Julie happy.

“Thank God,” Clydesdale muttered under his breath. He kissed his wife on the cheek and stood. “I’ll go check on the children and do some work before supper. Are you all right here by yourself? Since Ashbury has moved on, I assume I can safely leave you here alone with him?”

Julie giggled and swatted playfully at his thigh. “Go on with you now!” She smiled at him until the door closed behind her husband. A heavy feeling settled in John’s chest. Julie was obviously in love with her husband. He was glad for her, but he doubted he would have the same relationship with his future wife.

At that moment, a maid came in with a tea tray, arranged it on a table between them, and bowed out.

Julie turned toward John and settled more comfortably on the settee. “I have to tell you, I am still not a welcome guest in many drawing rooms, so my reach is not as vast as you might like. The scandal with Mary happened many years ago, but thetonis not forgiving.”

“It is still more vast than mine.” John smiled sadly.

Julie nodded. “So tell me, what are you looking for in a wife?” She studied John from beneath her lashes as she poured each of them a cup.

John frowned, not quite certain how much truth to divulge to his friend. Eventually, he decided on telling her everything. It wouldn’t help to keep secrets.

“I am in financial straits. I sold off all the unentailed properties, the art, the horses, everything I could get my hands on. I worked hard to put the estate back to order so it could turn a profit, but my old man gambled everything away.” He paused a little, gave a weary sigh, and continued, “The solicitor tells me he was devastated when Joshua passed, but once Jeremy died as well, he stopped caring about anything. Since I was left to inherit it all, he decided there wasn’t much reason to preserve anything. You know how he felt about me.”
