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“When… how did he start getting better? I don’t mean to pry, I just… I truly want to know.”

Mrs. Anderson stared at the wall, as if lost in thought. Then she turned and smiled at her daughter. “It was Carrie.”

Sam cocked her head. “How so?”

“Well, when Christopher came back from the war he was like a wild animal. Withdrawn, angry, frightened. He didn’t acknowledge Carrie for several months. I think he was afraid he’d hurt her. But after a while… He sought out her company. I think he was tired of everybody talking about the war in his presence, he was tired of adult problems, of nightmares. He just wanted to be surrounded by innocence again. He would play with her daily, collect flowers with her, take her out on walks. He never wanted to spend any time apart from her.”

Sam contemplated that silently. Perhaps John was the same way. She knew he avoided gatherings, and he didn’t like to be surrounded by people; maybe he too needed a drop of innocence. Peaceful, quiet moments.Can I provide that for him?

“Why do you ask?”

Sam shrugged lightly. “Christopher is not the only soldier with these symptoms I gather.”

“Oh, no. He met many in London. They were all discarded like so much garbage after the war ended. The Secretary at War advocated for some benefits, but whatever work they found in factories and such didn’t suit many former soldiers. I gather there are many in similar situations. Lost, without direction or purpose in life. I am happy he had Carrie. I don’t think I would have been able to shake him out of it on my own.”

Sam stirred sugar into her tea, watching the liquid whirl around the spoon as if mesmerized. Her mind worked, forming a plan. Suddenly she jumped up and smiled at her new friend.

“Thank you very much for talking to me about this, dear Mrs. Anderson.”

The woman laughed. “If I am to call you Sam, you better call me Linda.”

Sam nodded. “Thank you, Linda. I think you’ve just helped me solve a very difficult dilemma, or even two.”

“I did? How?”

“I shall tell you everything if it works out.” Sam walked to Carrie, still playing on the floor, and placed a kiss on her cheek. “I shall be coming out to visit you whenever I have free time, if you don’t mind. I truly miss female company. I’ve always had my sister to talk to or my best friend. Now they are both far away while I am here.”

“I would be honored,” Linda answered with a smile.

Sam waved to her new friend and hurried toward her waiting mount.
