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“I-I moved them to your room.”

John took a step closer to her. “This is my room.”

“Well, it is small and cramped, I thought you’d like to take your rightful place.”

His eyes widened, nostrils flaring. “Where the hell is this rightful place of mine then?”

“D-do not curse at me,” Sam stammered, her chest heaving.

“Sam, don’t try my patience. Where did you put my things?”

“In the master’s chambers,” she said in a small voice.

“Ma—You mean the late baron’s room?” He slammed the door with such force that it rattled on its hinges and stalked off in the direction of the master’s chambers.

“Why are you so angry?”

“Why?” He halted and whirled to face her so suddenly that she ran into his chest. He took her by the arms, resisting the urge to shake her. “Didn’t I explicitly tell you not to touch my room?”

“Don’t yell at me,” she whispered. He promptly let her go and ran his hand through his hair. “Your place is in the master’s chambers,” she continued quietly. “By my side. It is—”

John cut her off with a wave of his hand and stalked to the baron’s rooms. He opened the door but didn’t have enough strength to step inside the hated room. It was just the same as before. The drapes were different, the bedding was new too, and his things were occupying the tops of drawers and over the hearth, but the room still felt the same. The same room his father had spent years in, hammering into his head that he was not worthy of it. The same room he’d hated with all the fibers of his being. He could just hear the baron’s voice in his head:“You’re a worthless piece of garbage. Do not ever step inside of this room!”

“John,” his wife whispered from behind him.

“Get out,” John pushed out between his teeth. This abominable place was not fit for her. He didn’t want her essence mixed in with the ugly memories of the room. He didn’t want to associate his failures with his angel of a wife. At the moment, however, she was the one raining misfortunes upon him.

“John, I think you—”

“I said, get out!” he growled and finally heard Sam’s receding steps as she ran away from him. He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against the door frame. His breaths came in chaotic fits, his face was heated, and he couldn’t control his shaking limbs. This had all been brought on by his wife’s actions, yet none of it was her fault. He’d turned into something he’d never wanted Sam to see. He’d turned into the beast he’d been all through the years of war.
