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Chapter 24

Sam sat on a log by the stream, sketching Carrie, as the child frolicked by the bank. Linda stood a couple of paces away from her child, ready to swoop in if she fell or wandered farther into the water. Sam sketched as the wind played with Carrie’s hair, her light frown as she studied a rock. It was the fifth, or perhaps sixth, sketch she’d made of the babe. She found it fascinating to catalog the ever-changing expressions on her face.

As the festival neared, Sam found herself seeking out Linda’s company more often. They’d planned the celebration together, although neither of them had any experience in organizing an event as big as this, but it wasn’t the main reason Sam enjoyed Linda’s company. She was one of the rare souls who understood the burdens marriage to a former soldier could bring.

“Can you imagine the festival is just three weeks away?” Linda said as she collected a stone Carrie handed her and placed it in the pocket of her skirt.

“No.” Sam smiled as she continued sketching. “Sometimes I think we will never be ready for it. But my sister, Isabel, is coming in a sennight, and she will be able to help.”

“She is not married, right? Maybe we can find her a husband here?” Linda grinned at Sam.

Sam chuckled. “Perhaps.”

“Unless, of course, she needs to marry a title.”

Sam puffed a breath of laughter. “I don’t think she cares one way or another. But she would be a perfect hostess. Besides, our brother, Gage, wouldn’t let her settle for less.”

“Well, we need as many women as possible present at the celebration or most of the village’s current population will be sorely disappointed.”

Sam chuckled as she studied her sketch. She’d sent out plenty of invitations to neighboring estates, inviting as many people as she could. She guessed women would flock to the Ashbury estate after the rumors surfaced that the estate had gathered over a dozen former soldiers.

Isabel was arriving soon too, with her brothers lagging a little behind. There was only one invitation that had gone unanswered, and it was the one she worried about most.Evie.

Sam hadn’t heard from her since the day Evie left for the Somerset estate. The journey there had probably taken her about a fortnight and the mail would take longer still, but surely she would’ve sent a missive by now?

Sam felt bad that she hadn’t tried to do more for her friend, even though Evie had urged her not to worry. As much as Sam believed Evie capable, she couldn’t help but wonder if she was letting her friend come to harm.

Sam resolved to do something about Evie’s situation as soon as the festival was over. For now, she had her tenants to worry about, but if she got no news of Evie by then, she would enlist John’s help and they would bring Evie down to their estate no matter what. She was certain John would help her come up with a plan. After all, they were sharing their burdens now and their marriage was shaping up to be similar to one she had always dreamed about. She rotated a pencil in her hand, studying her sketch.

“How is Christopher faring at work?” she asked Linda.

“Oh, he is quite happy. Proud even. I believe he is Lord Ashbury’s right-hand man. He’s quite boastful of that fact.”

Sam smiled. “And how is he feeling overall?”

Linda looked up at her with a puzzled expression on her face, but the understanding dawned and she gave Sam a reassuring smile. “It takes time. Little by little all the scars of war are disappearing.”

“John says…” Sam placed a pencil inside her sketching notebook and closed it. “John has trouble sleeping on the bed. Does Christopher—”

Linda interrupted her, nodding vigorously. “He is better about it now, but sometimes I still find him outside, sleeping on the cold, wet ground.”

“You do?” Sam’s eyes widened.

“Yes.” Linda nodded again with a wide smile. “I don’t pretend to understand. And I don’t need to. I don’t need to make a fuss about it either. If he finds that’s what he needs to do to feel better. I let him.”

Linda turned then to Carrie, who extended another rock. She took it and placed it in her pocket and patted her babe on the head. Linda seemed so carefree and blithe. Sam almost couldn’t believe that she’d gone through much worse times with Christopher than Sam herself was going through with John.

Her words, however, gave Sam an idea.

* * *

Later that night, Sam entered John’s chamber as soon as she heard him come in. John stood in the middle of the room, fastening a clean pair of breeches and was otherwise naked. Sam paused in the doorway, watching the play of candlelight on her husband’s muscled arms and back while he finished buttoning up. He turned to her then, a devilish gleam in his eyes.

“Couldn’t wait for me to come to you, huh?” he said as he slowly advanced on her.

Sam almost forgot the reason she came to his room. She tried to collect her wits before he seduced her completely.

“No,” she said, looking anywhere but at his gleaming chest. “I have a surprise for you.”
