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“Just—help me with this.” Evie looked at him pleadingly, and Gabriel nodded. He untied her bodice and deposited it on the chair next to the bed. Next went the overskirts and stays. As soon as her underskirts were discarded, she threw her hands over his neck and kissed him again. Her hands slowly made their way down, and she fumbled with the falls of Gabriel’s breeches.

Gabriel tore his mouth away from her. “What are you doing?” he asked, his breathing frantic.

“What do you think I am doing?”

“I think you’re playing with fire, my dear wife.” His voice was hoarse, and his gaze roamed her body.

“Good.” Evie lowered her hands to the skirts of her chemise and slowly started raising them higher. She watched his breathing grow frantic, and his eyes glowed with a devilish gleam and felt a surge of power with every inch of skin she bared. His gaze followed her actions, lingering on her belly button, running over her rib cage. Evie stopped just before she reached her breasts and paused there.

Gabriel’s eyes paused in their movement, too, his breath hitching as he waited for her to bare her breasts. Evie discarded her chemise in one swift motion, and Gabriel’s mouth dropped open.

She slowly, sensually untied the ribbon of her drawers, and as they fell away, she stood in front of him in just her silk stockings.

Gabriel swallowed audibly. His eyes roamed her body as if he was uncertain of where to rest them. Then they settled on the junction between her thighs.

“You heard that I said I don’t love you, right?”

Oh, my poor, clueless husband. Evie tried unsuccessfully to suppress a grin. “I know.”

“And you still want me in bed with you?”

Evie bit her lip and nodded. “Yes.”

“In that case…” Gabriel bent down, picked Evie up, and threw her onto the bed. He then hastily took off his boots, breeches, and his shirt and fairly fell on top of Evie.

She laughed and locked her arms around his neck. Evie tugged Gabriel closer to her and kissed him open-mouthed. She licked the seam between his lips before plunging her tongue inside his warmth. Gabriel groaned, the sound reverberating through her entire body.

Gabriel rolled onto his back, taking her with him, holding her close to his body. He took her head between his hands and kissed her fiercely, biting on her lips, then soothing them with his tongue, sipping on her as if she were a chalice of water and he a thirsty beast. Her mouth felt swollen and sensitive. His stubble pricked her skin around her mouth, adding to the fiery sensations. He ran his hands down her sides, her thighs, then widened her legs, making her straddle him.

Evie wriggled on top of him, looking for a comfortable position, and heard him hiss. She looked up, worried she might have hurt him. His eyes were closed, a grimace resembling that of pain on his face. He then opened his eyes and looked dazedly at her.

Gabriel took her by her waist and pulled her higher so that her breasts were directly in front of his face, hanging like ripe fruit, ready for the picking. He looked at them with dazed eyes for a brief moment, then raised his head and licked one nipple. Evie felt a jolt, like lightning running from her nipple through her body and settling between her legs.

She pressed herself closer to him, rubbing her pelvis against him, and felt a liquid heat seeping out of her and soaking him. She wriggled to escape the sensation, but Gabriel held fast. He continued to lick around her nipple, nipping at it, playing with her breast before he put his mouth over her and sucked. Hard. Evie’s head fell back as she let out a strangled moan. She heard Gabriel chuckle against her skin before he moved his attention to her other breast.

“Gabriel,” she breathed, unable to take it anymore. She wanted something, needed something, something more. Some sort of completion to this tortuous, sensual act. The feeling that she remembered from that long-ago day in a carriage when he’d stimulated her with his hand.

“Shh, sweetheart,” he whispered against her breast. “I’ll take care of you.”

With that, he pulled her a little more over him, sliding her center against his body. The feeling made her moan. He kissed and licked her flat stomach, then dipped his tongue into her belly button as she squirmed. He chuckled darkly before taking her by the hips and sitting her over his face. Evie yelped and caught herself against the bed frame. Her eyes widened in shock.

“What—” She was about to ask him what he was doing when she felt him lick her. Lick her. There. Right in the center. And the feeling was such a glorious one that she sobbed. Then he licked her again, and Evie forgot her own thoughts.

She heard her moans and his growls of satisfaction as he put his mouth firmer against her and kept licking at her center, drinking her in, dipping his tongue inside her. Evie moaned and felt her hips moving of their own volition, riding his mouth like a complete wanton.

Her juices trickled down his mouth, and her moans were coming out with her every breath. Then he swirled his tongue around the tiny bud at the top of her sex, and she lost all her reason. She was writhing wantonly on his face, moaning to get more, marveling at being sucked so deliciously. A moment later, bright sparks lit inside her tightly shut eyelids, and her entire body tensed while wave after wave of pleasure assailed her. She stiffened on top of Gabriel, her hips still moving against him, his tongue still doing wicked things against her center as she pulsed from the inside and felt tiny shudders going through her body. She heard a muffled cry and realized it was coming from her as she collapsed against the pillows.

When she opened her eyes, she was lying on her back, her feet braced against the bed, her knees apart, lying completely open in front of Gabriel as he kneeled before her, his manhood in hand. He was holding himself, gently, slowly running his hand up and down his shaft. All the while, his eyes never left her center. He looked up at her then, his eyes heavy-lidded, a wicked gleam playing in them. He smiled before lowering himself to her, covering her body with his. The head of his shaft snuggled against her center, the weight and heat of him exciting her senses.

“Tell me you want this.” He lowered his head and scraped his teeth against her neck before sucking her in.

“I want this. I want you.” Evie moaned and tightened her arms and legs about his body.

Gabriel made a thrust, and Evie felt herself being stretched by him. He raised his intense and heavy-lidded eyes to hers, his features dark and serious. Sweat was running down his forehead. He braced himself on his elbows on either side of her head before kissing her sweetly on her mouth.

“It’s going to hurt a little,” he whispered, his voice hoarse as if from strain.

She nodded and kissed him, plunging her tongue inside his mouth, tasting the salty essence of her own release on his tongue. He thrust again, and she felt him invading her, stretching her even more. A burning sensation appeared between her legs. She tightened her hands about his shoulders and curled her fingers into him.
