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Chapter 26

Evie opened her eyes and squinted against the bright light coming from the window. Why hadn’t she shut the drapes all the way the night before? She turned sharply and hit hard planes of a masculine body lying beside her. She let out a tiny shriek before she remembered who that masculine body belonged to.

Gabriel was in bed with her.

He grunted something in his sleep and turned his head away from her, throwing his arm over his eyes.

Evie smiled to herself. A sheet was covering the most interesting part of his anatomy; other than that, he was completely naked. She raked him over with her gaze, studying his body unhurriedly. He was lying on his back, his abdomen and broad chest exposed to her gaze, his chest rising and falling with every soft inhale of his breath. She propped herself on one elbow and devoured the vision in front of her.

It wasn’t the first time she saw him naked. She’d seen him before, but she didn’t think she’d ever get tired of ogling him. He had a beautiful body. It was hard and lean, knotted with muscles in all the right places. The view of his tight muscles on his abdomen made her want to lick him. Evie narrowed her eyes at him. What would he taste like if she did indeed lick him? She put her hands on either side of him, lowered her head, and licked him in the middle of his flat belly. Gabriel jumped in reaction.

“What the—” He removed his hand from his face in one sharp movement but relaxed as he saw Evie crouching in front of him. His hand automatically went to cuddle her head. “What are you doing, love?” His voice was rough from sleep, and a relaxed smile split his face.

“I wanted to know what you taste like,” Evie answered evenly.

“If you want to know what I taste like, this is not the place you should be licking.” Gabriel settled more comfortably on the pillow and put both hands behind his head.

“Where should I be—” Evie hadn’t finished her question when she felt a slight poking in her chest. She lowered her eyes and saw a bed sheet tenting over Gabriel’s masculine organ. “Oh.” She blushed, and Gabriel laughed.

“You don’t have to, love. As much as I adore the idea, I was just jesting. Come here.” He stretched one arm toward her, and Evie placed both her hands in his. He tugged her up until she was sprawled on top of him, then took her mouth in a soft kiss.

Evie ran her hands up his chest, feeling his body, studying his every muscle. Last night was like a feverish dream. She was too confused, aroused, and excited to really feel anything other than the earth-shattering bliss he’d brought her to. Right now, in the daylight, she wanted to see and feel all of him.

She dragged her lips from his and kissed his jaw, sucking and nipping it in the process. His morning stubble was prickly and ticklish at the same time. She ran her tongue experimentally over it and heard Gabriel chuckle. Evie raised her head and looked questioningly at him.

“Nothing, love. Continue.”

Having received the encouragement, Evie didn’t tarry. She moved lower and kissed Gabriel on his throat, then dipped lower to the hollow at the base of his throat and swirled her tongue there. Gabriel’s arms tightened on her, and he took a sharp inhale of breath. Evie smiled and ventured lower, sliding against Gabriel’s body and hands. She rubbed herself against his rock-hard and hot erection and heard him growl.

“You are killing me,” he hissed between his teeth.

Evie raised her eyes to his. “Do you want me to stop?”

“Not for the world.” Gabriel tangled his hands in her hair and played with the strands while caressing her back.

She licked her way down to his chest and kissed him on the nipple. Then she swirled her tongue around it and sucked it into her mouth.

She raised her head and studied Gabriel’s expression. His breathing was erratic, and his hands stilled on her back.

“Does it feel the same way for you as it does for me?” She took his nipple between her thumb and forefinger and pinched lightly.

“I don’t think so, pet,” Gabriel said with a grin. “I am afraid it’s not as sensitive.”

“Why not?” Evie asked with a pout. She hoped to get him as out of control as she had been the night before. She wanted him moaning and insensible. But perhaps an experienced rake like him didn’t lose his control like that. Or maybe he’d just experienced it all so many times that he was immune.

“Don’t overthink it, love.” Gabriel chuckled. “Some body parts are just more sensitive in different people than in others.”

“What parts of your body are more sensitive then?”

“Well, I know of one.” He raised a coquettish brow at her.

“One is not enough. I have several.”

Gabriel outright laughed at her disgruntled tone of voice. “You do indeed. And if you don’t hurry it up, I shall lay you on your back and will explore all ofyourbody parts.”

“No.” Evie jerked to sit upright. “I am not done yet. And I shall not stop until I find all of your most sensitive parts.”

“Inquisitive little creature, are you? Very well, I shan’t deter you.”
