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Selena’s head appeared from behind the screen, her eyes wide. “The viscount?”

“Yes, I know!” Jo threw up her hands and started pacing. “I don’t know what came over me. One minute we were talking about the place of women in society and the next moment he was kissing me… And I, well… I was kissing him back.”

Selena laughed as she made her way from behind the screen in her underskirts and stays. She turned her back to Jo. “Would you mind helping me undo the stays?”

Jo heaved a sigh. “Of course. Although I do not understand why you hide behind the screen in the first place if you’re still trotting in front of me in your undergarments. And I’ve seen you a few times without.”

Selena let out a cackle. “Dear, I use the screens to hang my clothing and nothing more, I assure you. But do not change the subject. Tell me about the viscount.”

Jo undid Selena’s stays, and the latter caught it against her chest and hid behind the screen again.

“You can hang your clothing onto the screen from this side, too, you know!” Jo said irritably, then continued her pacing.

Selena mumbled something in response, but Jo didn’t hear her.

“But you know what the most annoying part of this is? I don’t think I can resist him if he wants to do it again later.”

Selena’s head popped out from behind the screen. “Why resist?”

“You know why!” Jo cried.

Selena slowly emerged from behind the screen in her nightgown. “No, I don’t know why. I understand your insistence on not having a protector. But why not amuse yourself with the viscount during the house party?”

“Because… Because…” Jo chewed on her lower lip.

“Yes?” Selena asked as she climbed into bed.

“Because it will lead to complications. It always does.”

Selena shrugged. “Then give him a few conditions. You only get together when you want it. You always use…the armor, and it is only for the duration of the house party. It shall keep all other men away from you, too. You know we are always accosted by men at these functions. What better way to keep them at bay than having a protector?”

“You don’t have a protector.” Jo raised a brow. “And you were gleefully saying you would be free to enjoy the house party with all of its delights without any restrictions because of it.”

“Well, I was wrong.” Selena buried herself under the covers. “I forgot what it’s like to be unattached at a house party, deflecting unwanted advances. And that’s why I am going to bed instead of enjoying the ball.”

Jo frowned. “Did something happen? Was someone too insistent in their advances?”

Selena shook her head. “Nothing out of the ordinary. Perhaps I am just getting old. Which is another reason to enjoy the liaisons while we can. The offers will be coming fewer and farther in between as we age.” She shrugged then turned to her side.

Jo heaved a sigh. Perhaps Selena was right. Jo had needs, and she could assuage all her desires with the viscount during the house party and then move on with her life. Couldn’t she?

She grimaced. No, this was a bad idea. She was never able to separate the feelings from the act of love. And the few times she was able to keep her feelings at bay, the lovemaking was mediocre at best.

The way their first interlude had gone, Jo doubted that would be the case with Viscount Gage.
