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Miss Claremont let out a peal of musical laughter. “It is rather sad, wouldn’t you say so?”

Richard shrugged. “Well, I did share quite a passionate interlude with you last night after a brief period of flirting.”

“And did you blab to your friends all about it?” She raised a defiant brow.

Richard scoffed. “I might not act like a gentleman in bed. But I assure you, I am one outside of it.”

Miss Claremont threw him a side-eyed glance. “I don’t remember a bed being involved in any of our dealings.”

Richard cleared his throat, then leaned closer to whisper in her ear, “Yet.”

Her lips parted, and her eyes darkened with passion, though her reply belied her emotions. “Not ever.”

“Not yet.” Richard winked before stopping. He carefully disengaged from her. “I promise you, Miss Claremont. Last night was me being a gentleman. If you want to learn more, you’ll have to find us a bed.” He took her hand and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles before walking away.

Richard turned toward his family, all of whom were picnicking nearby. His brothers, Adam and Alan, were playing cards with the gentlemen, while his sisters, Sam and Isabel, were chatting and eating desserts with the ladies a few feet farther. He walked toward his brothers and sat by their side without interrupting the game.

He wasn’t in the mood to play. He wanted to speak to Isabel. A gnawing pit in his stomach wouldn’t let him relax, except for the rare moments when he was near Miss Claremont.

He turned toward her, but she wasn’t with the gentlemen anymore. A few children had taken her by the hand and led her toward the shade of a tree, chanting, demanding for her to perform for them again.

She wasn’t annoyed. She was laughing brightly while joking with the young. She was a natural with them. She would be an amazing governess if she wasn’t a talented actress.

Richard leaned back on his hands. She would be a wonderful mother.

Richard had a close-knit family. Unlike some families of theton, growing up, his brothers and sisters always joined their parents during meals. They played games in the parlor in the evenings; they read together and even performed skits. Theirs wasn’t the kind of family where children were sent off to school at a young age and were never heard from again. They weren’t the sort of family that didn’t talk aside from matters of business.

No, they were very close. They shared their dreams and aspirations, and they laughed and cried together. And Miss Claremont would make a perfect mother for that sort of family.

But as an actress, she would never be a mother to a viscount’s legitimate children. If she ever married, it would be to someone like her acting partner, Michael Kenworthy.

Michael. He scoffed. No, Miss Claremont was too sophisticated for a peacock like him.

Most likely she would be a mistress to one of the lords, and if she were unlucky enough to have children, they would be raised by her alone. Illegitimate.

Richard heaved a sigh. He would never do that to a woman. And he didn’t need to. He was getting married soon.

His sisters got up at that moment, laughing and jesting with one other. Sam and the Duchess of Somerset joined their husbands and left the picnic area, and Isabel turned away, too.

This was the moment Richard had been waiting for. He stood swiftly and caught up with Isabel before she took a step.

“Can I speak with you?” His voice grew hoarse all of a sudden.

Isabel blinked. “Of course.”

He weaved her hand through his and steered her for a walk.

“Is something amiss?” Isabel asked. She was watching his face carefully. Isabel was always an observant one. She had to be. After their parents had died, she had taken on the role of a mother. And it hadn’t been easy with their siblings.

Richard cleared his throat. “No. Everything is perfect.”

“That’s good to hear.” She didn’t seem convinced. She was watching him as if she still expected the worst.

He paused a few feet away from the picnic area and turned toward her. “I need a favor from you.”

“Absolutely,” Isabel answered readily. “Anything.”

“I invited another family to come to your house party. I hope you do not mind.”
