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She shook her head. “You shall marry eventually. And when that happens, I shall be left alone with my feelings. Again. There is no power in being somebody else’s property. It is easy to be thrown out like unwanted furniture. And I won’t be that.”

Richard turned away with a grimace. Hewasgoing to get married. Sooner rather than later. And he felt his marriage approaching like a noose around his neck.

“Fine,” he said on an exhale. “You don’t want me to have power over you? Fine. Let’s… let’s make it a short affair. You won’t belong to me in any way. I shall not make any obvious advances in front of other people. We’ll just indulge in each other for the duration of this house party. And then we’ll go our separate ways.”

She frowned. “You won’t ask me to be your mistress once the house party is over?”

“I won’t.”

“And I can flirt with whomever I want, even for the duration of the house party?”

Richard gritted his teeth.You can try.“I won’t demand you to stop.”

She watched him with skepticism clear on her face. Well, she wasn’t daft. “Fine.” She raised her chin defiantly.

Richard’s grin overtook his lips. “Fine.”

He grabbed her by the nape and kissed her hungrily. Odd that. The need to fit her lips against his again. He let her go so abruptly that she stumbled. He steadied her as he watched her regain her composure, then walked out of the room.

He stormed toward the staircase, not looking around, just needing a moment to himself. That woman knew how to tip him off balance. He had never craved anyone as much as he craved her. Or perhaps it was the freedom he craved. The escape from the eventual marriage that was waiting for him just over the horizon.

A shadowed figure stepped from behind the corner, and Richard stumbled into it. Or rather her. Isabel.

“Damn, Isabel!” He reeled and then looked around. “Were you waiting here the whole time?”

“What in the world were you doing?” Isabel asked, her features filled with surprise and disappointment at the same time.

Richard let out a breath. “What did it look like I was doing? You’re a married lady now. I thought you’d figure it out.”

“Oh, don’t be flippant about this!” Isabel hissed. “You are getting married soon!”

“Shh!” Richard took her by the arm and led her away. “Nobody knows about this but you and me. And I’d like to keep it this way for now. Besides, I am not betrothed yet.”

Isabel looked at him, her mouth agape. “Does Josephine know?”

Richard pursed his lips. “No. And she doesn’t have to.”

“What are you talking about?”

“She is not a simpering debutante, Isabel. She knows what she’s doing!”

“And do you know what you’re doing? I swear, Richard. For all your faults, I always thought you to be loyal.”

Richard ran his hand through his hair irritably. “I am not going to betray my bride once our betrothal is official. This is just a… it’s a temporary liaison. Nothing more.”

Isabel’s face clearly demonstrated her disappointment in him. She didn’t need to say anything further.

And she didn’t. She just gave a tiny shake of her head and walked away.

* * *

Jo sat before the looking glass the next day, collecting her hair into a bun. The task was simple, one she’d done many times without even looking at her reflection, but today everything was going wrong. No matter what she did, she had one strand sticking out from the rest, so she was forced to undo the bun, brush her hair out again, and start from scratch.

She was already dressed for the day and as soon as she finished with her hair, she would go out and join the other guests of the house party. Her fingers tightened on the brush.

And that was the reason why everything seemed to just go wrong today. She didn’t want to go. She didn’t want to join the guests and endure the disapproving stares from the hosts.

Lady Isabel Vane was a lovely woman, but Jo doubted she could overlook the scandalous behavior of the entertainers she’d hired.
