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Chapter 10

Isabel kept seating Jo on the other side of the table from Richard. She always found someone to escort her to meals. She always took her under her wing and kept her surrounded by ladies when they had a free moment. And when she couldn’t, she resorted to sending her dog or daughter after her.

Richard knew what his sister was doing. He had been known to meddle in others’ affairs for too long not to notice when the same was done to him. But while Richard was direct in his meddling, his sister was exceptionally cunning. He was certain she thought she was doing what was best for him. But she was wrong.

Richard was tense and on edge. The house party was boring him out of his wits and with his impending betrothal not far off, he just wanted to spend some time enjoying his life. Was that too much to ask?

Apparently, his meddling sister thought that it was.

So instead of enjoying Jo’s company, he watched across the table as she flirted with other men who were visibly drooling, no doubt dreaming of having her in their arms. Well, they weren’t getting her.

She was his. Even if just for the duration of the house party.

As soon as the dinner was over, he was taking her into his bedchamber and not letting her out until the late hours of the morning. Perhaps not even then. And nobody would stand in his way.

The moment they reconvened in the parlor after dinner, Richard immediately scanned the room, looking for her.

Jo was not difficult to find. She was shining like a diamond inside a deep, dark cave at the core of the earth. And she was once again surrounded by a number of gentlemen. How did they manage it so fast?

He walked toward her with a purposeful stride. He had only one goal. Her. And damn anyone who dared to stand in his way.

“Miss Claremont,” he said in a low voice as he finally reached her. Her gaze darkened instantly, goosebumps covering her body. He smirked inwardly. She wanted him as much as he wanted her and she wasn’t able to mask it. “Would you do me the honor and accompany me for a turn about the room? Or perhaps we could get some fresh air?”

He wasn’t looking for a stroll about the room and judging by the expression on her face, she knew it. She licked her lips, her gaze lowering to his lips. Then her eyes darted toward the doors to the patio.

No, Richard thought.Not the patio.

A quickflyerwould not satisfy his needs anymore. He needed a nice, long rut.

Besides, it seemed like the patio was going to be occupied soon as Jo’s fellow actor Mick was moving there with a blushing widow.

“Apologies. Not today,” Jo said softly. “I think Selena needs me.”

Richard frowned and looked toward her friend. “I think she looks quite well.”

Just at that moment, the woman disengaged herself from a group of ladies and moved toward the exit.

Jo touched his hand. It was just a fleeting graze; blink and you’d miss it. She did it on purpose, too. She knew the reaction that would entice. Need, want, desire. But it was also meant to soothe his injured pride. She didn’t want to refuse his invitation. And yet she whispered, “I have to go.”

Jo smiled apologetically and gracefully moved away from him.

Richard grimaced inwardly. They had agreed on a short affair. And the time of their affair was ruthlessly ticking away with each second.

* * *

Jo’s heart slammed against her chest as she left Richard in the parlor. There was no time for regret, and neither was it the time to cry with need. She wanted him, yes. But at this moment, her friend needed her more.

She looked around the corridor before spotting a door slightly ajar a few feet away. She walked toward it, peeked in, and heard sobs coming from inside.

She stepped inside. “Selena?”

“Who’s there?” came Selena’s frightened voice.

“It’s just me, Jo.”

“Oh,” came the soft reply.

Jo walked farther into the room and found Selena sitting by the window, wiping her face with a handkerchief. Jo sat by her side silently, then placed her hand over Selena’s. The view from the window led to the patio. She couldn’t see people there from the angle of the window, but she knew they were there.
