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Jo took a fortifying breath and looped her arm through Selena’s.

Selena studied her friend with a cheerful smile. “Let’s go and get your man to fall in love with you.”

Jo chuckled, and both women made their way toward the parlor.

When they entered, the entire room’s attention turned toward them. Jo put on a bright smile as she walked past all the guests. Gentlemen immediately circled them, clamoring to invite them to dinner.

This was an informal affair. And any gentleman could have invited any lady they wished to sit next to.

Any gentleman.

Even the host. Not to mention the host’s brother.

Jo scanned the room and instantly collided with Richard’s dark gaze. He was frowning as he looked at her as if displeased with her behavior. Jo’s smile faltered for a moment, but then she raised her chin in challenge. If he wanted to claim her, now would be a good time to wade through the crowd and seat her beside him during dinner.

Instead, he turned away.

Jo’s lips trembled, and her smile faltered.

Well… that was not the reaction she was hoping for. She forced a polite smile to her lips and agreed to the first invitation to escort her to dinner. If Richard didn’t want to seat her next to him, he would be forced to watch her have the grandest time surrounded by other men.

But as they reached the dinner table, the opposite had proved to be true. Richard had not even glanced at her once. He was engaged in a lively conversation with some elderly man who had just arrived with what looked like his shy, bespectacled daughter.

And that pale, shy woman, with mousy hair, was the one Richard seated beside him.

Jo looked away for what must have been the thousandth time. She wasn’t fair to the young lady who happened to be seated next to Richard. It wasn’t her fault he had chosen her to sit next to him and not Jo.

Why had he not chosen Jo? Had he lost interest in her so easily? After relentlessly pursuing her for days, just when she started thinking that she was in love with him, he turned away.

Conversation flowed around her, but Jo couldn’t concentrate. She couldn’t eat or drink. Everything seemed to get stuck in the middle of her throat. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. Something had changed with Richard, and she was afraid he wasn’t changing back.

Jo forced herself not to despair.

Richard was an obstinate man. His heart was probably even more stubborn than his mind. But Jo would make certain to break through the icy walls he’d erected and get to his heart.
