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Jo shook off his hand and turned toward him, her gaze defiant.

Richard turned toward Selena, who was still occupying the stone bench, and raised a brow. “Miss Bromley.” He sketched a bow. “I was hoping to speak to Miss Claremont in private.”

“I shall just leave then,” Selena said and made to stand, but Jo raised a staying hand.

“No, Selena, do not move. We have the right to be here just as much as the viscount. And I would prefer if he left instead. Which means the only intruder here is the viscount.”

Richard frowned. “Jo, I understand you are angry, but if you just let me explain—”

“Explain.” Jo waved her hand, granting him permission.

“I will just—” Selena started, but Jo cut her off again.

“No, you stay. If the viscount has anything to say, he can say it in your presence.”

Selena grimaced but settled back on the bench.

The muscle in Richard’s cheek ticked as he tensed his jaw. “Fine,” he ground out. “I—”

“Did you know?” Jo interrupted him, not able to control herself.


“You know what I am asking!” Jo cried. “Did you know you were going to be betrothed to her when we… during our affair.”

He swallowed. “Yes.”

Jo’s hand shot out, and before her thoughts caught up with her actions, she smacked his cheek.

Richard turned sideways, his cheek turning red. Jo watched him, her eyes wide.

Selena gasped.

Richard slowly turned back to Jo. “I suppose I deserve that,” he said calmly. “I should have told you about my plans to marry. I am sorry.”

Jo stared at him for one full minute, not quite able to gather her wits to retort. Finally, she said, “And that’s it? I should just forgive you?”

Richard let out a breath. “Our understanding was always just for the duration of the party. I never thought that it would go any further. I never thought that we’d… develop an attachment.”

Jo stiffened. “In ourunderstanding, you never mentioned that you were betrothed or I would have never agreed to it.”

“I wasn’t!” he cried, ran a hand through his hair, and turned away. When he turned back, his eyes were wild. “I made an arrangement with an old family friend. I signed the papers the night that we… that night when I broke our affair.”

Tears burned at the back of her eyes. “You made me feel worthless that night, Richard. Instead, you could have told me the truth.”

“I know,” he gritted out.

Jo swallowed. “Well, I wish you luck in your marriage. Because God knows your wife is going to need it.” She wrapped her arms around her belly, feeling cold and slightly ill. She turned away, waiting for him to leave.

“This doesn’t have to be the end for us,” Richard said from behind her.

“Oh, no,” Selena whispered from the bench.

Jo whirled around on him. “What did you say?”

“It doesn’t have to be the end,” he repeated foolishly. He stretched out his arm toward her and took a step. “We can continue—”

“Don’t you finish that sentence!” Jo warned, tears now freely rolling down her cheeks.
