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Chapter 16

Richard stood in the middle of the ballroom, his expression stony, not a smile on his face. His lips moved, but Jo didn’t hear the words. Something about a bride echoed through her mind. Everyone was cheering and clapping around her. But her vision was covered with fog. Then Beatrice joined Richard by his side, a shy smile on her lips. She pushed the spectacles further onto her nose and placed her hand into Richard’s palm.

He raised their joined hands and placed a kiss on her knuckles.

Then he turned toward Jo and spoke as clearly as though he was right next to her. “Did you truly believe I loved you? You are an actress. Unworthy.”

The noise died down suddenly, leaving Jo in complete silence. The darkness enveloped the ballroom. It was only Jo and a bright light shining in her face. She squinted only to notice people sitting in their chairs, watching her with frozen expressions on their faces.

Jo looked around and realized that she was on stage.

How did I get here?

“Sing! Sing!” Selena shouted from behind the drapes.

Jo opened her mouth to sing, but she choked instead.

“She can’t even sing!” someone shouted from the audience. The entire theater started booing as they stood and threw hats and shoes onto the stage.

Jo wanted to scream, but no sound emerged.

She jerked awake in her bed. Her breathing was labored, and her hair stuck to her forehead. She was in the tiny room she rented by the theater. She was back home.

Jo rubbed her eyes and then smoothed her hair back.

This was the fourth week in a row she’d dreamed about Richard’s ghastly betrothal announcement. She couldn’t get it out of her head. She couldn’t gethimout of her head. Sometimes she’d dreamed of them kissing and enjoying each other’s company. Sometimes he would come after her and beg for her hand in marriage. But there was always this part of the dream when she saw him choosing another woman over her.

And then the reason why.

She was an actress. And therefore beneath him.

Tears pricked at the back of her eyes, and she burrowed inside her covers again.

Damn Richard and his world. She should have never allowed herself to fall for a gentleman. She knew it. They only brought heartbreak. She shifted in bed, trying to get into a more comfortable position, but it was no use. The sleep was gone.

It didn’t matter, anyway. She needed to get up and prepare for the day of rehearsals. The theater was putting on a new play, and they needed to be ready for the new season.

The season where she would spend her time performing while Richard sat in his box with his new fiancée and soon enough wife.

Jo sat up and scrubbed her face. Surely that feeling that ate at her heart and clawed at her soul would pass soon? How long did it take to get over a broken heart?

She swiped her hair away from her face, staring into the void. It was better to stay busy. Lying in bed would accomplish nothing. She rolled off the bed and went about preparing for the day ahead. If she kept her mind busy, perhaps the thoughts of Richard would stop invading her mind.

Jo appeared at the theater bright and early before anyone had arrived. She rearranged the costumes and furniture in her dressing room, brushed out her hair, and then read the script for their new play. Her mind wandered time and time again, not letting her concentrate when finally Selena stumbled into her dressing room.

She looked pale and perhaps even more broken than Jo.

Jo turned toward her, watching her under her furrowed brows. “Selena, are you feeling unwell? Because you look as though you are feeling unwell.”

Selena waved a dismissive hand. “I felt ill all day yesterday. Probably returning to dirty London and my little cramped quarters after the luxurious house party had me suffering. I woke up today feeling better, but on my way to you, I caught a glimpse of Mick and I think nausea is returning.”

Jo let out a chuckle. “Oh, I am so sorry, my darling. Come, sit.” She seated Selena on her chair, and Selena looked around, her brows furrowed.

“Did you rearrange your furniture again?”

Jo nodded. “Mhm… yes. I just thought it wasn’t cozy enough.”

Selena raised a brow. “Ah, dealing with your heartbreak, too, I see.”
