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Chapter 20

When Jo first opened her eyes, she had trouble understanding what was going on. She was lying in bed, tucked in comfortably with a blanket, a fire blazing a few feet from her. She shifted in bed and peered at the chair by the hearth.

Richard sat there, his head thrown back, his eyes closed, and his mouth slightly open. He was sleeping. They must have both fallen asleep while waiting for Selena’s procedure to be finished.

It wasn’t a wonder, truly, since the morning was fast approaching. Sun shone into the room through the crack in the drapes, and she could hear the birds chirping.

She didn’t remember falling asleep or how exactly she wound up in bed, but she appreciated Richard’s gentlemanly conduct in taking the chair instead of the bed.

She wouldn’t have minded waking up next to him. She would have preferred it, really. But the way things were between them, she was glad that wasn’t the case.

She sat up, propping herself against the pillows, watching Richard’s relaxed features. He looked so young when he slept, unburdened. Jo realized this was the first time she’d seen him this way. And she hoped desperately it wouldn’t be the last.

She turned away and noticed a glass of water by the bed. She took a sip and scrambled up. She wanted to know how Selena was faring. Had they slept through her procedure? Was it still ongoing? Jo did not know what to expect since her own experience was vastly different.

She’d only just reached the door when it opened, and the doctor entered the room. He was young, perhaps the same age as Richard, and she had worried that he was not experienced enough. But Richard had assured her that he was the best doctor in town, and Jo was inclined to believe him.

The doctor threw a glance toward the sleeping viscount before leaning closer to Jo.

“She is awake. Everything went well. You can go see her now.”

Jo’s heart jumped in her chest. “Oh, thank God! No, thankyou, Doctor.” She turned to rush from the room but paused. “Pardon. I wanted to speak to you about the matter of payment for your services.”

The doctor frowned at her then glanced back at the viscount. “Gage didn’t tell you? I owe him a debt. I never take payment from him.”

Jo blinked from the doctor to Richard before nodding. She didn’t understand what was going on. Why hadn’t Richard told her about this? But she counted her blessings. She didn’t have a lot, and she had no idea how much the services of a qualified physician like Dr. Blair would cost. As long as she wasn’t indebted to Richard—

Oh, who was she trying to fool? She would be indebted to him no matter what. He’d just saved her friend. Jo threw a smile toward the doctor, thanked him again, and dashed to Selena’s side.

Selena lay in bed, looking pale and sickly.

“How do you feel?” Jo asked as she propped herself on the bed and enveloped Selena’s fingers in hers.

Selena looked at her with tear-stricken eyes and a small smile appeared on her lips. “I feel… relieved,” she said hoarsely. “Did you feel relief when you did it?”

Jo shook her head and cleared a large lump stuck in her throat. “No,” she whispered. “I felt sad.” At least that’s what she’d felt after the shock and horror of the terrible experience had passed. After she’d mopped the blood and bile off the floor, she’d sat and cried for hours. Yes. She’d felt sad.

“I don’t feel sad,” Selena said. “Am I a bad person for feeling relieved?” Her eyes were imploring.

“No.” Jo squeezed her fingers. “No, Selena. You know quite well that this wasn’t a sin. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Tears burned the back of Jo’s eyes, and she swallowed. She shouldn’t cry in front of Selena. Not now. “Relief is a very appropriate feeling. The only bad person here is Mick. And he should pay for forcing you into the sordid affair to begin with. Forcing you to endure all this.”

Selena grimaced. “I don’t care what happens to him. I just don’t want to see him anymore.”

Jo stifled a grimace. She wished they could do something about Mick. She wished she could make him suffer and feel afraid of losing everything just like Selena had felt. But she didn’t want to bother Selena with her thoughts. Not now. Perhaps not ever. But the truth was simple. There was nothing they could do to get rid of Mick. Unless they left the theater. And with every passing day, she thought it was less and less possible.

“Can we go home now?” Selena suddenly asked.

Jo nodded. “If you feel up to it. Yes. Of course.”

Selena nodded as she looked around. “I like it here.” She paused before meeting Jo’s gaze. “But we don’t belong here.”

Jo lowered her eyes. She had nothing to say to that. She knew that Selena was right. And yet, her heart cried from this knowledge.

She didn’t care about the richly decorated bedrooms, or the soft beds and blazing fireplaces. She never yearned for the world’s riches. But her heart yearned for the man in the next room. And with him, she truly wished she could have belonged.

When they entered the adjoining room, Richard was already awake, speaking animatedly with the doctor. He paused and turned his entire attention to Jo the moment they walked in.

“We are going to leave,” Jo said simply.
