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Chapter 23

Getting the Archbishop of Canterbury to sign the special license was not an easy feat.

Richard had used every bit of cunning and guile he had in his arsenal to charm the old man. He’d asked, urged, then pleaded, all in a rather polite manner until His Grace had agreed that marrying an actress was indeed considered as having extenuating circumstances to forego the banns and public church marriage.

Therefore, three days later, Richard stood in the Marquess of Vane’s drawing room, Jo’s hands in his as the minister pronounced them husband and wife.

The wedding guests were limited. Only Richard’s siblings had been invited—Sam had arrived from the Clydesdale estate just in time—and Selena.

And the small, intimate marriage was the perfect beginning to their rather scandalous union.

They’d be the center of attention soon enough. And Richard was glad they could avoid the farce of a large church ceremony.

Richard wanted to hold his wedding at his own townhouse, but Isabel insisted on hosting it herself. She had been right.

Isabel had decorated the drawing room and prepared a wonderful wedding feast in the breakfast room, neither of which Richard would have thought to do.

Looking into Jo’s bright eyes, he knew that she didn’t care about the ceremony at all, but he was glad he was able to give her a celebration. Even if it was just a small one.

As they left the drawing room, Millie threw seeds and rice at their feet, with Button barking his approval. Jo laughed as she hugged the girl, then scratched the dog on his head.

She was happy.

As Richard watched his wife chatting animatedly with his family members, fitting right into the bosom of their little family, he realized in amazement that she was, in fact, his family now.

He had his own little family.

The thought brought warmth to his heart, and he smiled, thinking that his parents were watching him from heaven. They would approve of Jo, he knew. They would have loved her, too.

After the wedding feast was over, Richard happily led his new bride to his carriage.

“Finally,” he breathed as they settled in their seats and the carriage lurched to a start.

Jo waved the last goodbyes to his family and then turned toward him. “Did you hate it very much?” she asked, her gaze vulnerable. “The ceremony, that is.”

Richard shook his head and caressed her cheek with his finger. “No. But I was rather impatient to have you all to myself. As soon as we pass the threshold, I am taking you right there in the hall.”

Jo laughed. “In front of the butler?”

Richard shrugged. “Nobody will get in my way.”

Jo raised a brow, then ran her finger down his chest. “Why wait?”

Richard blinked. The drive to his townhouse wouldn’t be long. In fact, in a few minutes, they would be nearing the front steps of his house. But Jo’s finger dipped lower, and she started undoing the falls of his breeches.

Richard caught her hand and shook his head. “Darling,” he said as he looked into her laughing eyes. “I love you. And I want you very much. I would gladly just toss your skirts right here.” He paused as he let go of her hand and buttoned his breeches, which now tented over his hardened cock. “But you deserve our first time to be in our marriage bed. As my viscountess.”

Just then, the carriage lurched to a stop. The door opened and Richard helped Jo out. He led her slowly up the steps.

The moment they reached the doors, they opened, as if by magic—in truth, by his faithful butler.

The servants collected in a line, grinning from ear to ear, watching Richard lead his bride farther into the hall. Jo looked up at him, her gaze panicked.

Richard covered her hand with his and squeezed as he addressed the household staff. “Let me introduce to you my bride, my viscountess, and your mistress—Lady Gage.”

The housekeeper, Mrs. Whiston, introduced all the servants, and Jo’s smile became tighter and tighter with every name she probably couldn’t remember.

Richard leaned closer to her and whispered, “Do not fret, my darling, you’ll have a lifetime to remember their names.”
