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He frowned. “What are you doing? It is late. Are you not weary from the day’s events?”

“No, actually. I am still quite stirred up from all the festivities and thought to calm myself with some reading.”

“I do wish your brother was similarly afflicted.” He came over to see which books I’d taken. Even though his desk was covered, he was always aware of any changes. “You wished toread dictionaries? Well, that is one way to lull oneself to sleep!”

“Er, I came across a word I did not understand and wished to search for the meaning.”

“Really?” he asked excitedly. For if there was anything my father loved, other than my mother, it was to teach. “What word? Is it rooted in Latin or Greek? I see you have taken the Latin, but you can never be too sure.”

Oh, lawks! “It was—”

“Why are you not in bed?” my mama snapped from the door. “More books! Aphrodite, we are expected at the park in the morning.”

“Of course! Good night!” I grabbed my candle and rushed past them.

“What of your definition?” my father called after me.

I did not reply but hurried up the stairs and back to my room, shutting the door behind me. I took a breath of relief for managing my escape before putting my candle down and throwing myself upon my bed. This was all foolish. I was foolish. And Evander, the duke…ugh!

I placed the pillow over my head, trying my best not to think. Willing sleep to come but each time my eyes shut, I saw that couple upon the grass. And soon, the image of them in my mind changed. It morphed into…into Evander and me.

“Aphrodite.” His voice was in my ear.

“Aphrodite.” His breath was upon my skin.

I curled into a ball, hugging myself, waiting for it to pass. But it did not. I lay there, tortured by the things I had seen, until the sun began to rise, filling my room with light. Never had I been so exhausted.

“Good morning, my lady,” my maid, Eleanor, said as she opened the curtains. “Which dress do you wish to wear for promenading in the park? The family shall be having breakfast there.”

I tossed my head to the side, not ready for the full light of day. “Tell my mama I do not feel up to the park today.”

“Good morning, Odite!” Abena dashed into the room and jumped onto my bed, giggling.

“Can you spare some of your energy, sister?” I inquired.

“How?” she asked.

“Abena!” shrieked Hathor, causing Abena to jump down and hide under my bed. Not a second later, Hathor entered and scanned the room as she held a ripped ribbon, her hair still within her nightcap. When she did not spot our sister, her honeyed eyes snapped to mine. “Where is she?”

“Good morning to you, too, Hathor,” I replied.

“Good morning. Where is the wild one?”

“I know not.”

She narrowed her eyes on me and then screamed, “Abena! Where are you! You tore my ribbon! I had it made specifically for today!” Not seeing Abena, she rushed out of the room, still screeching just as Devana entered, holding the doorknob.

“Morning.” Her soft voice was most welcome.

“Morning,” I replied and lifted my arms, allowing her to crawl into bed with me.

She lay down, and I brushed her golden curls from her face.

“Did you sleep well?”

She nodded.
