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“Your friend Miss Finch will add her homely touches,” James finished.

Cecelia hesitated. The future looked far from certain just now. She settled for, “A home should be loved.”

James looked down at her with a mixture of fondness and exasperation. “Are you proposing we install people in all the Tereford properties who will…love them?”

“I like the idea.”

“It’s mad, Cecelia. Also, they belong to me. If anyone is going to love them…”

“You will?” She gazed up at him, savoring the feel of his arm around her.

“I love you,” he replied. And kissed her.

This was unanswerably sweet. Cecelia leaned into his arms.

“You can love them, and I will love you,” he murmured against her lips.

The next kiss was searing.

They might have different philosophies on estate restoration, Cecelia thought before she was swept away by desire, but on this they always agreed.


Having decided to take control of his destiny, Jack wasted no time in laying plans. Convinced that advance preparations were never wasted, he made a variety of arrangements and then caught up with the duke again as Tereford returned from his daily ride. Jack caught him as he came in from the stables. “Had a good gallop?”

“Capital. I’ve become rather fond of Blaze.”

This was one of the horses Jack had bought from the Travelers. Jack thought the duke was surprised by its quality as well as rather bored at Ferrington Hall. Tereford usually went to Brighton in the summer, he understood, and then on to large house parties. Certainly, his houseguest was accustomed to far more society than he found in this neighborhood.

“Would you consider selling him to me?” Tereford went on.

“Of course, if you like. There are some other promising horses at the camp as well.”

“Perhaps I’ll have a look,” said the duke.

“You should go soon if you wish it. They will be moving on in the next few days.” The idea still saddened Jack.

Tereford nodded and started to move on toward the house.

Jack fell in beside him. “I am going to see Mr. Winstead,” he said.

“Oh, yes?”

“I wondered if I might ask your advice?”

“Of course.” They walked into the study and sat down.

“What do know about Winstead’s business?” Jack asked then.

“Nothing whatsoever.”

“And you make a point of not learning.”

“Well, he’s in trade.”

“Which is some sort of stigma? Similar to a plague? So a noble Englishman must avoid any contact lest he be sullied?”

The duke laughed. “I wouldn’t go so far as that. It is simply thought to be…”
