Page 52 of A Rogue to Remember

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Lottie glanced up and met Alec’s piercing hazel stare. Madame Noir was busy talking to the man to her right, so it seemed he had found a moment to acknowledge her presence. Lottie cast him a subtle frown. He needed to concentrate on his so-called business, not her. Goodness. What if he took the woman to bed? Surely he would spare herthatindignity. Before she could ponder this further, Signore Cardinelli announced that they would all retire to the drawing room for light refreshment and music.

Beside her, Mr. Morley clucked his tongue. “I can’tstandthis continental habit of keeping the sexes together. It’s the only time I long for England. Men need a good smoke after a meal. A chance to talk properly.”

Lottie raised an eyebrow but spoke in her sweetest tone. “Why, Mr. Morley, have you not had your fill of proper conversation this evening?”

The odious man had the decency to redden. “There are some topics much too delicate to discuss in front of ladies. Business. Politics. That sort of thing.”

“Well, I can’t speak for every lady, but I’d be happy to discuss politics with you. In fact, I have a number of opinions I’ve wanted to share with someone who possesses the ability to vote in our government.” She then fluttered her eyelashes.

“Hear, hear.” Madame Noir raised her glass from across the table and gave her a wink.

Mr. Morley eyed Lottie warily, as if she had suddenly turned into a live python instead of a woman with opinions. Then he appealed to Mr. Drakos. “I’m sureyouagree with me.”

“I believe the ladies should be heard,” the older man said with surprising disapproval. “Otherwise, it makes you Englishmen seem terrified of your own women. Though I suppose you must be. Why else deny them the vote?”

Mr. Morley’s eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets, and Lottie had to smother a laugh into her napkin. Apparently his dilettante ways stopped at the idea of women’s suffrage. She caught Alec’s eye from across the table, but he seemed even less amused than before. Couldn’t he at least give her asmirk? Surely that was allowed between cousins…

Beside her, Mr. Drakos stood and held out his hand. “I would be happy to escort you into the drawing room, Miss Gresham. And we may discuss anything you wish,” he added pointedly.

Lottie smiled and accepted his hand. She had done nothing to deserve such kindness from him. “Thank you, sir.”

As they all stood from the table, Alec once again took Madame Noir’s arm in his. They exchanged a warm smile and the woman had the audacity to reach out and brush the back of a gloved finger to his cheek.

The pinch in Lottie’s chest suddenly burned so sharply, so deeply, that she nearly lost her breath.

“I think you may need some air, Miss Gresham.” Mr. Drakos made the gentle suggestion as they entered the drawing room. “Let us go out onto the balcony.”

“Yes,” she rasped, twisting away from the happy pair. “That sounds perfect.”

He placed a warm hand on the small of her back and guided her toward the open balcony doors just as Madame Noir’s enchanting laugh floated into the room.

Chapter Fifteen

Alec spirited Madame Noir away to a secluded corner of the sumptuous drawing room so they could talk more “privately.” They had entered in time to see Mr. Drakos escort Lottie outside, and this spot offered the best view of the balcony doors.

“Really, Professor,” the woman cooed as they sat down on a rich velvet couch. “She will be fine. Let her enjoy a little freedom while she is away from home.” She then placed her palm on Alec’s knee. He raised an eyebrow, but she took his silence as encouragement and slid her hand up a little higher, a familiar glint in her eye.

Alec had learned much about Madame Noir over the last several hours, but nothing that confirmed any of Rafe’s claims. She did briefly mention her attachment to the military contractor, but it seemed that neither one was anything close to a practicing monogamist. It seemed highly unlikely that she was here to secure anarmsdeal on his behalf. Just another one of Signore Cardinelli’s teases. And Alec certainly wasn’t going to bed her over it. If that part was so damned important to Rafe, he could bloody well do it himself. Alec had another idea.

He plucked Madame Noir’s wandering hand from his knee and clasped it between his. Then he leaned toward her and lowered his voice. “You know I’d like nothing more than to spend time with you this evening, but I have my cousin to consider. How long are you in Venice?”

A meaningless question. He already knew her plans.

The great lady pouted. “This is my last night. Then I return to Paris.” She began to stroke his palm with her index finger. Well, she was certainly persistent.

“I see,” Alec said slowly, as if he were considering a rendezvous. “My cousin will return to England shortly. But perhaps once she is gone…” He deliberately left the sentence unfinished. Let her think whatever she wanted.

The pout disappeared and she leaned in even closer. “That is a delicious idea, Professor,” she purred. “Have you been to Paris?”

“Yes. I confess, I did not care for it.”

Her smile deepened. “Then give me the chance to change your mind. I do solovea challenge.”

Movement on the balcony caught Alec’s eye, distracting him for only a moment, but it was more than enough time for Madame Noir to wrap her hand around his neck and press her pillowy mouth to his own. Before he had a chance to react, she pulled his bottom lip between her teeth and gave it a saucy bite. Alec let out a startled grunt and gripped her by the shoulders in order to push her away, but she misinterpreted his reaction and pressed even closer.

It was then, of course, that Lottie returned from the balcony.

And, thanks to Alec’s prime position, she had a perfect view of the two of them. He managed to wrench his mouth away from Madame Noir’s in time to see the expression on Lottie’s face before she darted from the room. Any lingering doubt about her feelings for him vanished in the face of such crushing disappointment.
