Page 79 of A Rogue to Remember

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As they walked across the street, the vicar took notice of them. “Good afternoon. Are you here for the wedding?” he asked with a cheery smile.


Alec stopped dead in his tracks and his hands immediately tightened into fists.

“Steady now,” Rafe murmured as he stepped forward to greet the vicar. “Yes. We are cousins of the bride.”

“Oh, how wonderful! I must admit, the summons I received yesterday made this all seemverymysterious. I felt a bit like the priest inRomeo and Juliet. Hopefully this wedding has a happier ending!” He laughed at his own terrible joke. “It’s always preferable to have at leastsomefamily in attendance.”

“Our dear cousin doesn’t know,” Rafe explained. “It’s meant to be a surprise, you see.”

“Ah! Even better! Well, you should come round the back with me, then. Those were my instructions.”

Rafe and Alec exchanged a subtle look. “That sounds perfect,” Rafe said, then flashed that easy smile that always got him exactly what he wanted. As the vicar led the way to the back entrance, Rafe gave Alec a spirited wink.

But as they stepped onto the grounds, Alec’s heart leapt to his throat. Whatever happened next wouldn’t be so easy.

“I suppose our uncle gave the staff the day off,” Rafe offered as they made their way to the servants’ entrance. There was still no sign of anyone about.

The vicar nodded. “I was told that discretion was of the utmost importance.” Then he turned to Alec. “Sir Alfred is quite an important man, I take it?”

Alec gave a noncommittal grunt in reply. He was busy studying the third floor. Lottie’s bedroom window was slightly open. An image of her standing before a mirror in a wedding gown flashed across his mind, and he dug his nails into the skin of his palm.

“My cousin is a man of few words.” Rafe gave the vicar an apologetic smile. “But yes, our uncleisimportant.”

“I see.” The vicar’s lips pursed and he turned back to Rafe. “Do you like the chap your cousin is marrying? A Mister…Wertherby? Have I got that right?”

“Wetherby?” Alec roared.

Rafe clapped a hand on the vicar’s shoulder to shield him from Alec’s furious glare. “Terribly sorry. He has very strong feelings about pronunciation. English teachers,” he added, rolling his eyes in commiseration. “You know how fastidious they can be.”

The vicar cast Alec a disapproving frown. “Yes, I do.”

A minute later they reached the back entrance. “I was told to go right in and up the stairs,” the vicar explained as he pushed open the back door that led to the kitchens.

Alec tugged on Rafe’s arm. “Wetherby is Sir Alfred’s bloodysecretary,” he hissed.

“Well then. I’d say he no longer has any qualms about mixing work and family. Come along.” They followed the vicar into the kitchen, which was just as deserted as the outside.

“What time is the ceremony supposed to start?” Alec practically growled. Being in this house again set him even more on edge.

“Three o’clock. You won’t come upstairs?” The vicar gestured up ahead.

“We don’t want to spoil the surprise.” Rafe again gave him that friendly smile. “And you won’t say a word, right, Vicar?” He added a wink and the vicar melted a little, now putty in Rafe’s capable hands.

“No, of course not. I won’t want to ruin anything.”

“I can’t thank you enough. We’ll come right after the ceremony begins. So there isn’t a commotion.”

The vicar nodded along, as if this all made perfect sense, and disappeared up the stairs.

Rafe wiped the smile from his face and turned to Alec. “We only have fifteen minutes. How well do you know this house?”

“Well enough to know where the servant’s staircase is.” Alec pointed to a small doorway in a corner of the kitchen. “And what floor her bedroom is on.”

“Good man. Let’s go.”

He headed toward the staircase, but Alec hesitated. What if shewantedthis? What if he had driven her right into Wetherby’s arms? The man had come across as a pompous ass in their exchanges but could be a veritable prince in the flesh.
