Page 84 of A Rogue to Remember

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Mrs. Houston brought a hand to her mouth. “Oh, Lottie,” she gasped. “I—I think you’re right. I saw he was growing more short-tempered, more forgetful, but I thought it was just due to his age. And Mr. Wetherby always seemed so competent. I thought he wasgoodfor Sir Alfred.”

Lottie furrowed her brow. “The only part that doesn’t fit is sending Alec for me. That could have ruined Mr. Wetherby’s plans.”

“That was my idea,” Mrs. Houston said sheepishly. “Your uncle was so worried. Mr. Wetherby offered to go, but he had never been to Italy and—and Alec was alreadythere. It seemed like the best choice. He went searching for you immediately. Your uncle fell ill only a few days later.”

Lottie recalled the torturous look that had briefly passed over Alec’s face as he related all this to her only days before:

When I received Sir Alfred’s telegram, I nearly—


Now she would never know.

“What caused you two to quarrel?” The cautious hope in Mrs. Houston’s eyes was even more wrenching.

“It doesn’t matter,” Lottie groused. “No one seems to care about what I want, or consider whatImight think is best formylife.”

Mrs. Houston listened patiently to her little outburst. “Your uncle has always believed he knows what’s best for everybody,” she gently explained. “But that also comes with a sense of responsibility when things go wrong.”

Lottie sniffed at the idea. “He isn’t God.”

The hint of a smile touched Mrs. Houston’s lips. “No, he most certainly is not. I think he has finally started to realize that.” Then she hesitated. “Did you know your dear mother lingered for nearly a day after the accident?”

“I…I try not to think of that day very often.”

Or ever.

Mrs. Houston gave a thoughtful nod. “As well you should. Your father died right away, bless him. But your mother was brought to your uncle’s town house, as it was nearby. I’ll never forget that night as long as I live. They had always been so close. And after your grandparents died, he was more of a father to her than a brother. Sir Alfred did not leave her side for more than a minute. He called in every last favor he ever had and brought in every doctor available.” Her eyes lowered. “But you know how it ended.”

To her utter embarrassment, Lottie found herself brushing a tear away. How silly to cry now over something so long ago. Something so utterly beyond her control.

“I believe he has always seen you as his one chance at redemption because he couldn’t save her. He wants your life to be perfect in a way your mother’s wasn’t. That’s why he didn’t mind you being so choosy these last few years.”

“I wasn’t beingchoosy. They weren’t—they weren’t Alec,” she said hoarsely. Voicing the admission nearly broke her heart all over again.

“I know my dear. I tried to tell him, many times, but he wouldn’t—orcouldn’t—hear of it.”

Lottie was astonished. “You talked about us?”

“On occasion. If he wished it. But we often disagreed, especially regarding Alec. He thought you two were too much together.” The housekeeper hesitated, watching her carefully. “That it would give the both of you ideas.”

“So he thought it better to separate us throughlies?” Lottie fumed. “I know the truth about Alec, Mrs. Houston. About his parents.”

If the housekeeper was surprised, she did not show it. “As I said, I did not agree with all of his decisions. But I know with all my heart he was only doing what he thought was best.” Mrs. Houston’s face warmed with affection as she defended her longtime employer.

It was as if Lottie had finally discovered the last piece of a long, unfinished puzzle. “Youlovehim,” she marveled.

“Yes,” Mrs. Houston admitted, blushing like a schoolgirl. “For many years now.”

“Does he know?”

Mrs. Houston laughed. “I should hope so, considering he’s the one who said it first.”

“I’m sorry. I…I had no idea.” It seemed impossible to think of Sir Alfred saying such things to anyone, really.

“Well, of course not. That was the point.”

“But you did not wish to marry?”

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