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Henry glanced past Rafe. “Hmm. Well, I’m not sorry to hear you’ve left. You’ve given enough of your life to the Crown.”

“I appreciate the support,” Rafe said dryly.

“How did Gerard take the news?”

“He said that though he didn’t agree with my decision, he respected it.”

Henry raised an eyebrow. “Yet another surprise. I didn’t think the old boy had it in him.”

“We had words before the meeting. We both said some things that were…long overdue.”

“I’m happy for you. Perhaps this will be the start of a more amicable relationship with the rest of the Davies clan.”

“That’s a little premature,” Rafe said, though privately he harbored the same hope. Then he narrowed his eyes. “You’re in rather high spirits today.”

Henry came dangerously close to a smile. “Yes, I am. I suppose you’re wondering what brought me to town.”

“It did cross my mind.”

“I’ve decided to go into business for myself. As a private investigator.”

Rafe, who had been midsip, began coughing. “You’re joking,” he managed to choke out.

“Not in the least,” Henry said brightly as he slapped Rafe on the back. “I’ve been toying with the idea for years, and now that Agatha’s properly settled, it seems like the right time. Especially since she’s informed me she’s with child,” he added with a slight grimace.

“Ah. You aren’t interested in doting on a little niece or nephew?”

“I’ve no objection to children. I just don’t want tolivewith them. Besides, I was getting tired of her constant hovering. Now she’ll have an actual babe to care for.”

“Will you be based in Glasgow, then?”

Henry shook his head. “I thought I’d return to London,” he said hesitantly. “It seems like the best place to set up business. And I still have connections here.”

“A sound idea.”

Rafe wanted to ask if a certain recently widowed viscountess was involved in this decision. He hadn’t missed the intensity that flashed in Henry’s eyes when he saw Lady Arlington at the castle. But he sensed that such a question would quickly bring Henry’s rare good mood to an end.

“I could use a partner, if you’re interested.”

Rafe sat back in his chair, considering the offer. It certainly would make good use of the skills he had spent years refining. But that would also mean staying in London. And the city had grown even more stifling since his return. To say nothing of his desire to avoid any chance meeting with Sylvia. The thought alone made his stomach turn with shame.

“I am honored you would even ask me, but I must decline.”

Henry gave him an understanding nod. “You’ve never been able to stay in one place for very long, as I recall. I suppose I still hoped you were preparing to settle down.”

Rafe shot him an irritated look. “That’s all over with.”

“Are you sure of that?”

“Considering Miss Wilcox thinks me nothing more than atool of destruction, I’d say yes,” he snapped. “Emphatically.”

“What on earth brought that about?”

Rafe sighed. Did theyreallyhave to discuss this? But Henry gave him an expectant look. “She assumed I would leave my post after the business with Wardale was uncovered.”

“Which you now have,” Henry pointed out.

“It’s too late,” Rafe said tightly as his frustration mounted. “I am not the kind of man she wants. It would go against her principles.”

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