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“Rafe,” she began as she smoothed a hand on his sleeve. He finally glanced up, and she nearly lost her nerve at the wariness in his gaze, but then she took a breath and plowed ahead. “After talking with your mother, there’s something I want to say to you.”

He frowned, his confusion replacing whatever else he was feeling. “Oh?”

Sylvia nodded. “I know in the past I said I wasn’t interested in marriage. And for a long time that was the truth. But I had only been thinking of what I stood to lose. Now, though, I see that I’ve much to gain as well. And I want that. With you.” She said this all while looking just past his shoulder, at the glittering sea. When she finally found the nerve to meet his eyes, he looked pained. It was not exactly the reaction she had hoped for. A hot flush spread across her chest, and her nose began to sting. She had misread this entirely.

Rafe noticed her disappointment and moved closer to cup her cheek. “My love, you honor me.”

“Then why do you look like someone has just killed your pony?” she managed to ask.

Rafe chuckled. “It’s not what you think. I promise. But first I want you to know that I heard from Gerard before we left. I’ve been offered the chance to work in the German ambassador’s office. In Berlin.”

Sylvia’s mouth went dry. “What will you do?”

Rafe’s gaze turned thoughtful. “I think this could be a good opportunity. I saw the kind of work my father was able to do. The changes he could enact through his influence.”

Sylvia bit her lip. Though Rafe claimed he had no regrets over his decision to resign from his post, even she could see that he had been rudderless ever since. As his cover was no longer needed, he had removed himself from the social whirl of London. But a man with his energy would not be content to spendeveryevening by the fire. Rafe needed a purpose.

“I know how you feel about this government,” he continued. “And I share your concerns. I can’t promise that there won’t be times of trouble, but I’d like to think that with you there beside me, I can make a meaningful difference—we can do it together. And I don’t see why you couldn’t continue your writing. It could make for an interesting subject, the fight for women’s rights abroad.”

“You…you told Gerard you wantedmewith you?”

Rafe nodded. “I said I couldn’t make my decision until I asked you something. And if I got the answer I wanted, you would be coming with me. That was nonnegotiable. But it’s really up to you.” He then reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. Sylvia’s breath caught. “I’ve been carrying it around for days, trying to work up the nerve. I should have known you’d beat me to it,” he added proudly.

Sylvia reached out and ran her fingers over the velvet surface. “Can I see it?”

Rafe laughed again. “I hope you’ll do far more than that.” He opened the box, and Sylvia gasped at the large diamond cluster nestled inside. “It was my mother’s engagement ring. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Of course not,” Sylvia heard herself say, as she was still rather gobsmacked by the sight of the impressive bauble.

“Can I take your dazed reaction as a yes?”

She met Rafe’s eyes and managed a smirk. “Excuse me, but you still haven’t responded tomyproposal.”

“Terribly sorry. My deepest apologies,” he said as he removed the ring from the box. “Of course I will marry you, my little bird. A thousand times over.” Rafe then moved to place it on her finger and paused, raising an eyebrow. “Well, what do you say? Are you ready for a new adventure?”

“Always.” Sylvia grinned as he slid it on her finger. “Especially with you,” she added before pulling Rafe toward her to seal it with a kiss.
