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At the time Georgiana had shied away from the compliment. She had been in such a low place then, but the years had proved the matron right after all.

She was still here. Still standing. And still determined.

A footman opened the door and she climbed in. Reggie settled in beside her, while Captain Harris sat across from them, though he kept his gaze firmly on her brother. Georgiana took advantage of the darkened carriage to stare at him for a moment unobserved before turning her attention to the window while they talked about a mutual acquaintance who had been in attendance.

Between the gentle rocking motion of the carriage and the weariness that settled over her, Georgiana was close to nodding off when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“Did you hear me, Georgie?”

She shook her head. “No, sorry. I think I was just about to fall asleep.”

“I noticed.” Reggie gave her an indulgent smile. “I was explaining that the carriage is taking me home first, as you’re closer to the captain’s quarters.”

“Oh,” Georgiana said softly, still in a daze.

“It’s really not necessary. I can get out here,” Captain Harris insisted.

“Don’t be absurd. It will take you hours. Besides, at your age I trust you two can be unchaperoned for a few minutes,” Reggie said with a wink, clearly joking, but even in the low light Georgiana could see the captain frown.

“Of course, Reggie. I will be on my best behavior,” she chimed in lightly before the moment could turn awkward. As her brother let out a laugh, Captain Harris finally met her gaze. A hard pulse gathered between her thighs at the dark heat that flashed in his eyes. Her mouth suddenly went dry as the air thickened around them. Perhaps she had been right about him after all. The idea was unexpectedly thrilling—and just a little terrifying.

Reggie, bless him, noticed absolutely nothing as the carriage pulled alongside his townhouse. He simply said his goodbyes and climbed out, shutting the door behind him with a resounding thud that seemed to echo in the small space.

And then they were well and truly alone.

Chapter Eight

I’m sorry for this,” Lady Arlington blurted out, cutting through the growing tension. “If I had known you were coming, I would have taken my own transport this evening.”

“It is fine, my lady,” Henry said. “I can endure a simple carriage ride.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You just suggested getting out and walking home. From Mayfair.”

Well, she had him there. “I was only thinking of you,” he began. “And the possible implications of us being seen together again.”

“Oh.” Lady Arlington relaxed. “Well, don’t worry about that. Anyone who cares about such things saw us with my brother. Hardly a scandalous combination.”

“And Lord Pettigrew?” The question was out before he could stop himself.

She tilted her head and eyed him. “What about him?”

“Would he be among those who cared about such things?”

Lady Arlington gave him her profile and shrugged. “I suppose.” Then she turned back to him with an arch look. “Luckily, he knows how easily gossip spreads. I assured him that he has nothing to worry about.”

So they had discussed him. That shouldn’t have interested Henry. At all. “Is that true?”

She blinked owlishly. “Is what true?”

Henry leaned forward ever so slightly. “Your response implies that there is something between you.”

Her eyes widened as she gathered his meaning. “That is personal, Captain.”

“Yes, it is. And it might be incredibly valuable. If you have an understanding with Lord Pettigrew, he could become a target too.”

She scoffed and folded her arms beneath her breasts. Henry tried his best not to look directly at the soft swell of flesh that seemed in great danger of spilling over the low neckline peeking out from between the folds of her velvet cape. She was wearing a lavender evening gown. Henry liked it—he liked everything she wore—but he couldn’t help wishing to see her in something more colorful. If those gossiping old ladies were right, it could be another year before she left mourning behind entirely.

“Really, thatisa stretch,” she sniffed. “Besides, nothing has happened in over a week.”
