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The countess gave her a subtle nod of approval. “Lady Arlington, I’m so glad you could join us this evening. What a beautiful shade of blue.”

“Thank you,” Georgiana nodded. “That is a lovely necklace.”

The countess laughed lightly as she ran a finger over the outrageously large set of rubies nestled against her chest. “Oh, this? Mr. Previn got it for me years ago,” she demurred, as if it were a child’s gold locket and not an eye-popping piece of jewelry. “He has excellent taste, doesn’t he?”

Mahmood turned away from the other couple he had been conversing with and bowed to Georgiana. “Good evening, my lady.” He waved a waiter over and handed her a glass of champagne.

Then he took the countess’s hand and kissed it. “Only the best, of course. In all things.” A look of deep affection passed between them, making Georgiana feel like she had intruded on something quite intimate. But before the moment could become awkward, the countess looked to the dark-haired gentleman, who patiently waited beside them.

“Mr. Talbot, may I introduce Lady Arlington? She has just arrived today from London.”

The man bowed over her hand, meeting her eyes. “A pleasure.”

Georgiana smiled a little at his accent. “You’re American?”

“Guilty,” he said with a grin, displaying a set of strong white teeth. “But my father was an Englishman born in Manchester.”

“Mr. Talbot is a business associate of mine,” Mahmood explained.

“Oh? What sort of business?”


Georgiana’s coquettish smile widened in genuine interest.

“Lady Arlington is a business owner herself,” the countess supplied.

There was a subtle change in Mr. Talbot’s gaze. He was impressed. “Is that right? I didn’t realize proper English ladies were interested in such activities. I thought it was all afternoon tea and fancy balls.”

“Oh, but ladies can do all sorts of things, Mr. Talbot,” she said teasingly. “If given the chance.”

“I’ll drink to that.” He raised his glass as his eyes warmed, and Georgiana joined him.

This was going to be easier than she expected.


“Another, Lady Arlington?” Mr. Talbot asked as he handed Georgiana her third glass of champagne. Or was it her fourth? She couldn’t quite remember.

“Thank you,” Georgiana said graciously.

Once the string quartet began to play, the garden became considerably more crowded. The countess and Mahmood had gone off to mingle with more guests, and Mr. Talbot had suggested they move to a more secluded corner, where they could talk.

“As I was saying…” Mr. Talbot launched back into a monologue on shipping lines and raw materials. He was keen on convincing her to expand her business to America, despite Georgiana explicitly voicing her disinterest. Since then her mind had begun to drift. Mr. Talbot talked of business—and little else. But he was good-looking and interested in her. That was enough for her purposes. Better that she find him boring anyway. Anything more could lead to complications. And that was the last thing Georgiana wanted from a meaningless tryst.

“My lady?”

Georgiana turned back to Mr. Talbot. He was smiling at her, having obviously caught her not paying attention.

“Terribly sorry.” Her cheeks heated. “I…I think I may have had too much to drink,” she admitted and set down the glass on a nearby table.

“Please, it is I who should be sorry.” Mr. Talbot moved closer, and Georgiana’s nose wrinkled as she caught the scent of his expensive sandalwood cologne. The viscount had worn something similar. She glanced down just as Mr. Talbot’s hand moved to rest on her waist. “For boring such a lovely creature. How can I make amends?”

Georgiana raised an eyebrow. Well, that was a bit more forward than she had expected, but she couldn’t deny that this was the perfect opportunity to proposition him. She opened her mouth to speak, and Mr. Talbot’s expression filled with anticipation.

Say it. Say it now.

He would not deny her. She was certain. And yet, she couldn’t make her lips move. Couldn’t tell him to take her away from here. Somewhere much more private.
