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“That flush alone gives you away,” Sylvia murmured as they crossed the lobby.

Georgiana brought a hand to her cheek and sighed. She was being unconscionably reckless. And yet, she regretted none of it. Once they were alone in the private lift, Sylvia turned to her.

“You know, don’t you?”

“It’s wonderful news,” she answered honestly.

Sylvia lowered her eyes. “When the butler said you left in a hurry, I realized what had happened. What you must have heard.”

Georgiana grabbed her hand. “It was a shock, I’ll admit. I just thought…the last time we had spoken, you said…”

“That I wasn’t interested in having children any time soon. Which was true. Then.” Sylvia met her gaze.

But Georgiana of all people knew how quickly things could change in a marriage.

Sylvia turned away. “Do you know how we spent a little time in Italy before Rafe had to be in Berlin?” Georgiana nodded. “We stayed with some friends of his in Venice, Alec and Lottie Gresham. I think you might know Lottie. Her maiden name is Carlisle.”

“Oh, Sir Alfred Lewis’s niece? Yes, I do.”

“Well, they have the most adorable little boy. Alfie.” A funny little smile that Georgiana had never seen before took over Sylvia’s face. She was practically glowing. “I’ve never spent much time around children. But Rafe just adored him. They became thick as thieves while we were there. And watching them together, it…it…”

“It provided you with new information.”

Sylvia’s shoulders sagged with relief. “Yes. Exactly. But I truly didn’t think it would happen this soon. Rafe’s been so busy with work lately that it hasn’t—we haven’t—” Now it was Sylvia’s turn to blush. “I was just surprised. That’s all.”

Georgiana squeezed her hand and waited until Sylvia looked at her. “I understand. And I’m sorry I ran off. I hate that I worried you for even a moment, and that I sent Captain Harris on a wild goose chase. But it brought some old feelings to the surface. And I wasn’t prepared.”

“You mean, about the viscount? You know you can talk to me about it, if you wish to,” Sylvia added in response to Georgiana’s nod.

“I know.” She let out a sigh. “I’ve realized I’m not sure if I ever evenwantedchildren. Everyone else told me I did. That it was my purpose to be a mother. And of course the viscount expected it. That’s why he married me.” She bowed her head. “Is it terrible of me to admit that I’m relieved the viscount and I never had a child? I would have loved any we had, of course, but I…I was just sotiredby the end, Sylvie. Of having my entire worth based on whether or not I conceived,” she added on a whisper. “And now when I think about the possibility, I can’t seem to muster the desire. Only that same old dread bubbling up again.”

“It’s not terrible at all. Besides, you’ve been mothering your siblings for most of your life,” Sylvia pointed out. “One could understand why you feel exhausted.”

Georgiana flashed her a small smile. “That’s true. They are incredibly demanding.” Then she turned serious. “Please,pleasebelieve that I am deliriously happy for you both. You’ll make wonderful parents.”

Sylvia’s eyes shimmered. “Thank you for saying that.”

“But be prepared for that child to be utterly spoiled by their aunt Georgiana.”

Sylvia let out a laugh. “I’d expect nothing less.”

Chapter Fifteen

After parting with Lady Arlington, Henry returned to the restaurant to resume his long-abandoned breakfast. The croissant, while delicious, was not enough to fill him up, especially after their activities in the carriage.

Just as he began to tuck into a steaming plate of eggs and toast, Rafe showed up at his table and took a seat without invitation. He began to protest, but Rafe cut him off. “Careful there, Captain. We don’t want you causing another scene today. It’s not even noon.”

Henry darted a glance around the room as guilt swamped his chest. Pulling up to the hotel with Lady Arlington had drawn a fair bit of attention—a careless oversight on his part. He was being paid a small fortune to protect the woman, not create more gossip. Their tryst in the carriage had been abominably risky, but it was unnerving just how much he wanted her. And the lengths he would go to. They were due to depart for London in three days’ time, and Henry had the sinking suspicion that he would be nowhere near close to satisfying this desire for her. A dangerous development. And yet, he had no intension of stopping.

“I heard the news. Allow me to offer my congratulations,” he said.

Rafe broke into a grin. “Thank you.”

“How is Sylvia feeling?”

“Good, apart from some nausea and fatigue, which I’m told is perfectly normal.” Then he turned serious. “I came to apologize for last night. I shouldn’t have pushed you to talk about Lady Arlington. My wife tells me I need to respect your wishes, even if I don’t entirely understand them.”

Rafe had commented on how happy Henry looked seated beside her by the piano.

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