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Georgiana drew her arms around his lean waist and inhaled the familiar scent. “I’ve been recently told that it isn’t foolish to worry about someone.”

“Sounds like excellent advice from a very smart person,” Henry said wryly, then tilted her chin up to meet his gaze. “I wanted to make sure you hadn’t fallen ill again.”

“No, the channel is much calmer today. I’m fine.” Then she held her breath as their eyes locked together. He slid his warm palm down to the small of her back and began to rub a slow circle. “You shouldn’t be here,” she added, forcing the words out. But her protest was weak.

“Where is Bea?” His voice had grown noticeably rougher.

“She has her own cabin down the hall.”

Henry gave her an arch look. “Well, I for one am grateful for your generosity. As I’m sure Bea is.”

Before Georgiana could respond, Henry’s mouth lowered to hers, capturing her lips in a deep kiss. She should pull away. Tell him that they couldn’t continue this. She didn’t deserve his attentions. But her words only came out as a low moan, and her hands began to stroke his chest instead of pushing him away. Henry began unbuttoning her traveling coat.

Just once more.

Georgiana pushed his hands away so she could tear the blasted thing off and toss it on the floor. If this was to be their last time together, she wanted it to last as long as possible. Henry flashed her a look of surprise before she cupped his face in her hands and pulled him back to her.

In another moment Georgiana found herself being walked backward to the narrow bed, then pulled down on Henry’s lap.

“Shouldn’t we talk?” Henry managed to ask in between kisses.

She shook her head and pushed Henry’s coat off his solid shoulders. Lord, she would miss them. “Not yet. Please.”

Disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he did not stop her, nor did he ask again. Desperation came over her as she tugged open his trousers. Henry squeezed his eyes shut and leaned his head back against the wall as she worked the heated flesh.

“Dammit, Georgiana,” he cursed.

A smile crossed her lips, and she gripped him even harder. Henry cried out and stilled her hand as he cracked one eye open. “If you keep that up, you’ll be disappointed.”

“Impossible,” Georgiana replied automatically, but the surety in her voice caught them both by surprise. Henry stared at her, wordless and panting. Then his hands gripped her waist and guided her to her knees while she opened the slit in her drawers. Their eyes met as she began to lower herself on his shaft.

“Slow down,” he growled. One hand snaked up to tangle in her hair while the other nestled against her lower back and pressed her even closer to him.

“Yes, Captain,” Georgiana said with an obliging smile.

Henry’s answering chuckle turned into a hiss of pleasure as the broad head of his penis nudged into her entrance. Then no more intelligible words were spoken for some time.


Eventually Georgiana had to slide off his lap before she developed a cramp. They both lay side by side on the narrow cabin bed in a mostly comfortable silence as the steamer gently rocked with the waves.

“I can’t fall asleep here,” Henry finally mumbled against her hair, but he made no attempt to get up.

Georgiana threaded her fingers through his and drew his arm snug around her waist.

“Stay just a little while.” She would have to say something before they reached London, but there was still time for that, and she certainly wasn’t in any hurry.

Well, then. This was a pleasant distraction. Perhaps we’ll see each other around town.

It was easier than voicing the truth.

At some point in the night Georgiana awoke alone with a blanket drawn over her. Henry had left without waking her. She huddled deeper into the covers and found the spot where his head had rested. It still smelled of him. She inhaled his warm, familiar scent and soon enough drifted off to sleep again.

Once the steamer reached Dover the next morning, they headed for the train station. She and Henry had exchanged nothing more than basic pleasantries in front of Bea, but just as they entered the station, he covertly caught her hand in the crowd and gave it a brief squeeze. The tenderness of the unexpected gesture turned her brain promptly to mush. As they waited in line at the ticket office Georgiana impulsively decided to buy Bea a different ticket in first class.

“You don’t mind, do you Bea? I didn’t sleep well last night and could use the privacy,” she explained.

“Of course not, my lady.”
