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“Georgiana, I’m sorry. I was completely out of line.”

She shook her head and forced the words out, her mind still turning over the commodore’s warning. “No. You were right. Reggie, too. I’ll go with him. I can’t afford the scandal, especially now. And neither can you,” she added at his look of surprise before he assumed that all too familiar shuttered expression. How she hated it. “I’ll talk with Reggie once he calms down and make sure you are still paid.”

Henry glowered down at her. “You think I give adamnabout that?”

“Be reasonable, Captain. You didn’t take this case for altruistic purposes.”

He opened his mouth and then closed it, staring at her as if she was a stranger.

It was for the best, she stubbornly reminded her aching heart. For them both. Georgiana willed herself to go to her brother, who was watching them from a short distance with a wary expression.

“Take care,” she said softly, and turned before he could respond.


The trip back to London was a series of long awkward silences. Georgiana was too distracted to make much conversation, and Reggie was still irritated with her. She didn’t have the energy to deal with her brother’s mood, as she was lost in her own thoughts, recalling everything that had transpired since that morning in Captain Harris’s office. Two weeks felt like a lifetime ago. When Louisa met them at Victoria Station, she and Reggie had barely exchanged more than a handful of words.

“Aren’t you two a sight for sore eyes.”

Georgiana managed a weak smile, while Reggie grunted.

Louisa frowned at their brother. “What are you so grumpy about? No one ruinedyourholiday.”

Reggie’s mouth dropped open. “I beg your pardon?”

“Well, you shan’t have it,” Louisa shot back as she tucked her arm through Georgiana’s and led her through the crowd while Reggie sputtered behind them.

“Has he been an absolute beast?” she asked softly.

“We haven’t spoken much,” Georgiana admitted. “Though I can’t say I blame him.”

Louisa let out a derisive snort. “Don’t you dare try to take the blame for Reggie getting his knickers in a twist. He had no right to ambush you in Dover. I told him as much.”

“Did you?”

“Try not to look so shocked, Georgie,” Louisa said as they approached Reggie’s waiting carriage. “I’m on your side. Always.” Then she turned to glare at Reggie. “You, on the other hand…”

“What did I do?”

Georgiana let out a sigh. “If we’re going to have it out, may we at least do it inside the carriage? We’re starting to attract attention.”

Her siblings exchanged sheepish looks and mumbled apologies.


“Sorry, Georgie.”

Georgiana managed to resist the urge to roll her eyes as she let the footman hand her into the carriage. Once they were all seated, she cleared her throat.

“Now, then. It appears we have some things that need to be discussed. Who would like to go first?”

Just as Reggie began to speak, Louisa cut him off. “I’m not listening to a word from you until you apologize to Georgiana. You had no right to interfere, Reg. She’s a grown woman. And if she wants to have a bit of fun with a handsome man, who are you to stop her?”

“For God’s sake, I’m trying to protect her reputation!”

“Why?” Louisa countered. “Because you’re afraid Tommy Pettigrew won’t have her otherwise?”

“Yes,” Reggie said testily. “As a matter of fact, that is exactly what I’m worried about.”
