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Georgiana shot an accusing look at Tobias. “Hetold you?”

Henry nodded. “And then I acted like an ass. But if I had any idea—”

Tobias cut him off with an ugly laugh. “A bit late for that, Harris. Georgiana did her duty and married the viscount, like an obedient little daughter. When I saw you both at the opera and again at the Pettigrews’ ball, I thought the commodore might find that information valuable. And I was able to settle another debt.”

The last shred of Georgiana’s control finally snapped, and outrage burst through her. “Are you saying that all of this has been over yourgambling debts?”

“Well, what else would it be?” Tobias had the audacity to look affronted. “I don’t have the money. Peregrine’s been an absolute beast lately and is refusing to give me my allowance until my creditors are paid. Lord knows how long that will take. And Mother would have my hide if she knew about the gambling, so I offered what I did have: information and influence.”

“You promised you could convince me to give up the expansion.”

“Yes,” he said testily. “And if that damned brother of yours hadn’t gone and hired the captain, this could have been over weeks ago. Now this is the only way. With you dead. A pity you never did marry again. Now there will be no one to carry on your little legacy. But the better for me.” He raised the gun again.

“Tell me who is behind this,” Henry barked. “I’ll make sure you are protected.”

“I considered that,” he said calmly. “But I don’t plan to see the inside of a cell. And I still have a better chance with them than I do with Scotland Yard. I’ve been promised passage to the continent, and I have a train to catch.”

Before Tobias could cock the gun, Henry lunged at it and they both fell to the ground.

“Run, Georgie!” Henry cried as he wrestled for the weapon.

“Like hell I will,” she muttered as she reached for Henry’s discarded cane.

As soon as she picked it up, she knew Bea’s suspicions had been right. Henry pinned Tobias flat on his back and met Georgiana’s gaze. His eyes widened and he gave her an encouraging nod. But in that brief moment of distraction Tobias punched Henry in the face and knocked him over. As the two men scrabbled on the floor, Georgiana turned the cane’s handle until she heard a click and unsheathed the sword. It was really more of a dagger, but Georgiana would take it. She looked up just as Tobias delivered another hard punch to Henry and dragged himself to his feet. As Tobias retrieved the gun, Henry lay motionless on the ground. But Tobias committed a grave error: He kept his back to Georgiana. She gripped the dagger’s handle and charged forward just as he began to aim. Ladies could do a number of things: run factories, embroider tea towels, and stab an awful man in the back of the leg.

Tobias cried out in pain and dropped the gun. Then Georgiana pushed him hard and grabbed the weapon. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably as she pointed it at Tobias, a man she had known her entire life.

He was breathing heavily as blood ran down his leg. “You won’t shoot,” he rasped.

“No, but I will.”

Georgiana looked up to see a young man in a gray suit approach them with his gun drawn, followed by several constables. “Lady Arlington, I presume?” he asked as he touched the brim of his hat. “I’m Inspector Crenshaw. We can take things from here.”

Georgiana lowered the weapon. “Oh, thank God. I haven’t a clue how to use this.”

The inspector took the gun, and she rushed over to Henry as the constables surrounded Tobias. She pulled his head onto her lap and ran her fingers through his hair. There was a cut on his cheek where Tobias had punched him, and his body was heavy against hers.

“Henry,” she choked out. “Wake up, darling. Please.”

After the longest minute of her life, his eyelids fluttered open. Warmth filled his amber gaze as he took her in. “Georgie,” he whispered as the corner of his mouth curved.

Georgiana gasped in relief. She had never been so happy to see that half smile. “Are you badly hurt? Scotland Yard arrived after Tobias knocked you out.”

“Took them long enough,” he said with a grimace as he slowly sat up. “I’ll live, but I’ll never forgive myself for letting that coward land a punch.”

Georgiana let out a surprised laugh. “I think you may have hit your head.”

Henry leaned closer. “Well then, I’m afraid you’ll have to nurse me back to health,” he murmured as he brushed his thumb along her jaw and tilted her chin up.

But just as his lips were about to touch her own, someone loudly cleared their throat. It was the inspector. And his cheeks were blazing.

“Apologies for the interruption, but we’d like to take you both back to the Yard for questioning. That is, if you’re well enough, Captain.”

“Of course,” Henry said smoothly, as if they hadn’t just been moments away from kissing each other in full view of the entire room.

Georgiana helped him up and wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they followed the inspector.

“And here I thought you disapproved of public displays of affection,” she whispered.
