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“Of course.” The idea that she wouldn’t was so repulsive, she understood his position with perfect clarity. It was an act of love to offer forgiveness.

“Then we understand each other,” he said. “At long last.”

She smiled against his shoulder as relief swelled inside her. “It only took several near-death experiences.”

He let out a laugh then winced. “Yes, and I’m still a bit sore from this one.”

“Oh, sorry,” she said as she pulled back. “I’ll have Mossdown bring the hot water bottle.”

“Then I’ll truly feel like someone’s grandmama.”

“Well, you certainly don’t look like one.”

“And thank heavens for that,” he said as he wrapped his arm around her and drew her against him once again. “Do you think this will scar?” he asked, pointing to his cut.

“If it does, you’ll only be more dashing, I’m afraid.”

Henry looked delighted. “I’ve never been told I was dashing before.”

“Oh, have I not said that yet? My apologies. You areextremelydashing, Captain. Especially in your tan suit.”

“Is that so?” He arched an eyebrow and Georgiana’s pulse raced. “I’m afraid you’ll need to do a little more penance this time. A man must have some standards, you know.”

“Very well,” she said as she tugged his face toward hers. “If a man doesn’t have standards, he doesn’t have anything.”

After that only a few choice words were exchanged for some time until Mossdown was finally called upon to bring the water bottle.

“And see that the guest room is prepared,” Georgiana said. “The captain is in no state to leave, isn’t that right?” She met Henry’s eyes, and he smiled.

“Yes, my lady.”


Eight months later

London, England

She looks just like you, Sylvie,” Georgiana said. “She has your eyes.”

“The countess insists she is the mirror image of Rafe when he was a baby,” Sylvia replied as she placed her infant daughter in Georgiana’s waiting arms. “But I’ve seen the pictures and he wasmuchchubbier. Like a little cherub.”

“I ought to burn those photos,” Rafe grumbled from his position behind his wife’s chair.

“Hello there, you absolute darling,” Georgiana cooed to baby Cecily, who stared up into her face with a questioning look in her large gray eyes before breaking into a gummy smile. “We’re going to be great friends, I can tell already.”

Sylvia beamed at them before turning to Henry, who was seated beside Georgiana on the sofa. “Would you like to hold her next, Captain?”

He shook his head as he leaned over to have a closer look. “No, thank you.”

“Oh, come now, Henry,” Rafe said. “You don’t want to hold my baby?”

“I am perfectly happy to observe her from here.” Then he gave the baby’s hand a polite pat. She immediately wrapped her tiny, perfect fingers around his thumb and let out a friendly gurgle.

“See? Shewantsyou to hold her,” Rafe teased.

Henry’s cheeks reddened as he continued to stare into the baby’s inquisitive face. “I will when she’s larger. Much larger,” he amended.

“Rafe, leave him alone,” Sylvia said. “Not everyone is as interested in babies as you are.”
