Page 49 of Home Sweet Mess

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Jeni’s smile.

Jeni naked.

That one was his favorite, but not ideal to picture while discussing marketing strategy with Mr. Knipplemeier, his fifty-year-old boss.

There was no question he’d still have work to do when he got home tonight. He put his elbow on his desk and rubbed his forehead. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed his phone screen light up.


Damn, it was awkward to get a text from Andrew when he’d just been thinking about Jeni’s soft, smooth skin.

Jeni:Can’t today. I have a home visit at noon.

Logan perked up when he saw her name. He hadn’t realized this was a group text. Then he read what she’d said. Home visit. Memories flashed through his mind at the words, and he quickly shook his head to clear them.

Logan:I’m swamped today too. Tomorrow?

Andrew:I can do that.

Jeni:I’ll let you know.

Logan sat there for a moment then switched to a private text with Jeni. He’d had a lot of sleepless nights lately and done a lot of thinking. He didn’t have it all figured out, but he did have some things to talk to her about, and maybe seeing her in person would bring him some clarity.

Logan: Avoiding me?

Jeni:I kind of thought it was the other way around.

Logan:I’m sorry I haven’t called. Can you stop by tonight? I have something for you, and I want to talk to you.

Jeni:What time?

Logan:Sometime after 6.

Jeni:I’ll come after dinner.

Logan couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. Now that he knew he was seeing her tonight, he was able to focus a little better for the rest of the day. He arrived home a little before six and immediately changed into jeans and his favorite gray T-shirt. He warmed up leftover chicken and ate in front of the television, trying to calm his nerves with a mindless sitcom.

It didn’t work, so he went through what he wanted to say to her. No matter how he put the words together, it sounded ridiculous. There was no way she’d go for it.

No one else ever has.

He sighed and clenched his fists, determined to try anyway. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? He wasn’t one hundred percent sure why he wanted to go for it either, but as he’d lay in bed the night before, thinking and unable to sleep, his plan had seemed like a good idea.

When someone wanted a different outcome, they should change their approach, right?

Seven o’clock rolled around, and along with it, the Monday Night Football game. The Patriots were playing, and they were a fun team to watch no matter what. After he made his proposition, would Jeni stay and watch it with him?

When she knocked on the door, the nerves in his stomach increased tenfold. He opened the door wide and stood aside. “Hey.”

“Hey yourself.” She smiled as she walked past, leaving a trail of vanilla in her wake. “Is the game on?”

By the time he could respond, she was already in front of the television. She settled on the couch, eyes on the screen.

Logan smirked and closed the door before walking back to the living room. “Want a beer?”

She grinned. “Always.”

He went to the kitchen to grab her one and brought it to her. She was wearing yoga pants again, dammit. And her hair was down, like a golden-brown waterfall across her back. If he pulled her onto his lap it would be all over his chest—
