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Alfred, down to his shirtsleeves and breeches, pushed past his Beta and made for the door. “We must discuss our next move, Alpha,” Bates pleaded, following behind.

“It must wait. If I do not Change immediately, I cannot promise that our secrets will not be exposed in the worst possible light.”

“Did you not convince Miss Templeton to come down to sup? She has been far too withdrawn these last days.” No one would call his Beta a coward. “It cannot be a wise idea to leave Her Grace all alone abovestairs.”

“And now you’re an expert on females?” He and his wolf huffed out a mutual laugh. Almost there, almost free, they entered the foyer.

“I took it to heart when you said I ought to figure out this courting lark.” Matthias ran a hand though his golden hair. “I read one of those courtship books. When a gentleman woos a lady—”

Alfred leaned against a newel post. “Oh, my friend, thank you for behaving in a ridiculous fashion, that I may not seem such a fool.”

His Beta crossed his arms. “With all due respect, this is a terrible way to court a woman, running off in her time of need.”

“I am dealing with her need,” Alfred growled, “and I will court her all my days. Every single day of this life, she will know she is my one and only.” He took another breath. He would not hold his manskin for much longer. “I will name her tomorrow. Tell Gambon to alert the pack.”


“Go!” He roared and then leapt, with preternatural speed and grace, toward the front door; two footmen, born with excellent reflexes, opened the door before he went straight through it.

His wolf burst from his human skin, leaving scraps of torn clothing all along the front terrace. He paused to stretch, to exult in his animal self, then bunched and exploded into motion around the corner of the Hall, leaping over the grand hedge as though it were nothing. Giving himself up to the speed of his beast, he flew through the park.

With the strength and speed common to his kind, he flew over the obstacles in his path, his sight sharpening in the dark, not needful of the light of the waxing moon to light his way. Theanimalis purumthat dwelled in the park ran as fast as their mundane legs could carry them, but it was not Alfie’s intention to hunt. Alfie? He snorted, and the wolf chuffed. He was in charge now, and as his wolf shared his mind when in his manskin, so he did when his wolf took precedence.My name, Alfie growled.Mine.

Alfie crashed through underbrush, bounded over logs and boulders, and headed for the highest hill. He would soon explain the wildness of the park to his mate as the only way the pack could keep their instincts sharp and theirversipellianidentities fit and strong. Human progress had encroached upon the natural world, and their freedom to roam had become severely circumscribed. How good it was to be duke and able to provide and sustain so much land for his people to range upon.

He crested the hill, nowhere near winded, and howled, in the age-old manner of his kind. Was it Alfie who howled or the duke? Alfred knew, in the part of the wild mind of his wolf that nevertheless remained his, that he was bemoaning the mess he’d made of things—again. From the depths of his lupine heart, he was calling to his mate, giving voice to his intention to have her, to bond her, once and for all.

In the distance, he could see the house, saw Felicity’s silhouette framed in a window. She could not see him, but he no longer feared exposure; he cared not that she may have heard his plaintive cry. It was past time to take her into his confidence and that of his pack.Human ways, snarled Alfie,have gotten us nowhere. And Alfred finally agreed.


One by one, in their human forms, the pack gathered at the conclave rock. It was said to have been placed there by the goddess Diana, she who ruled the moon, and she who saved Romulus and Remus from the war between their father, Mars, and his wife, Venus, caused by his love for the wolf Laurentia. As their foster children, the wolves were loyal to her, and those loyal to the wolves considered her, and this sacred place, their own.

This was one of four gathering places, but the only one that contained a piece of lupine history. At each of the moon’s four festive seasons in the year, its journey tracked around the wild park. It was here the most important rite was held, that of mating, and the stone was said to draw down the moon and bless—without reservation—every union forged on Lupercalia.

All from the house and all from the village came, and as they congregated to wait for their Alpha, it was only natural that talk would ensue. After years of waiting, with the end in sight, all the Shifters were desperate to embrace their promising futures with their whole hearts. Theirhomo plenuscompatriots, those who were only human, had a better grasp of what was behind the delay and did their best to explain the vagaries of their ways.

“Look, it’s simple,” Marshall said. “Us humans ain’t instinctual like you shifties.”

“Don’t call us shifties,” growled a sheep dog. “Homie.”

“Ver-si-pell-es.” Marshall rocked back on his heels. “The human ladies, it’s overwhelming for ’em, all this scenting and chasing and declaring. It’s kinda desperate-like, and I’d say Her Grace is thinking, ‘Hang on there, old son, it’s been a wet week since ye clapped eyes on me.’”

“But she’ll be sensing the bond by now, won’t she?” An owl looked affronted by the notion that this might not be the case.

“Her own senses will have begun to expand, won’t they?” asked a mule.

“But it ain’t instant, all right?” Marshall replied. “The ladies like to be made much of, given little gifts and being read poems, and getting bouquets, like. They call it ‘courting.’”

“If I never hear that word again, Marshall, it will be too soon.” Their Alpha strode into the clearing, behind Bates and Gambon, with O’Mara at his back.

All present exposed their necks to their Alpha—their way of showing submission in their human forms, akin to the manner in which they showed their vulnerable undersides when in their animal skins. As they each looked up, Alfred made eye contact with every single member of the pack, acknowledging every soul in his care, reaching out along thesentio, so much stronger when they stood in his presence, and he searched for grievances, for unmet or unconfessed needs, for unrest or unhappiness, so he could do all in his power to make things right. With all the hope in the world, the process would lengthen as they added to their numbers, when he and Felicity pledged themselves in this very place.

He nodded to Gambon.

“Alpha.” Gambon repeated his submissive gesture. “I speak for all when I say we are honored you have called us to meet.”

“The honor is mine, and it was indeed my desire. We gather here in the dawning light of our lady’s brother, Apollo, so I may illuminate you all.” The words were formal; whilst he preferred plain speaking, this moment deserved its due, and his people deserved the respect that ceremonies such as these paid them. They, who had supported his quest, deserved to exercise their right to have their voices heard.
