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“It is a walking habit.” Felicity strode toward him, the split skirt alternatively revealing and concealing the breeches beneath. She stopped before him. “It is very practical.”

“My mind is even now furnishing scenarios in which it may prove its usefulness.”

She found herself spun around with her back against the wall beside the door, and a ducal thigh nudged its way between her own. His mouth hovered about hers, tantalizing; his hips leaned into hers, titillating; his fingers tickled her neck, teasing. She rubbed her cheek against his, rubbed her nose along his jawline and whispered, “Have I thanked you properly for rescuing my band?”

“Properly?” He brushed his lips over hers, and they dipped down, like a bee lighting upon a flower. “Would you be averse to expressing your thanks improperly?”

She shifted her hips so her honeypot rubbed against the hard muscles beneath it. His whole body shook with the contact, and she smiled against his mouth. He slowly, inexorably raised his leg until she quite lost her breath. “We will not take the horses today,” he said throatily, “but you may avail of your daily ride after all.”

“I…” Felicity’s toes were all but off the floor. The sensations were as unlike the sort she conjured for herself as night was from day. She wriggled, and he groaned, and she was as intrigued as she was inflamed. It should work under these circumstances, should it not? She moaned and heard a door slam down the hall, and footsteps approached. “No. Alfred, we are not entirely private.”

“I will eviscerate anyone who dares disturb us.”

“Charming.” She dismounted and fluttered her lashes at him. “Come, Alfie, we have a busy day ahead.”

As they made their way through Lowell Hall, Felicity appreciated the paintings with new eyes. Alfred pointed at one of the more lurid images of a wolf with his prey. “Old Granduncle Adolphus. Something of a brute, but my grandmother would not see him banished to the attics.”

“Oh, ma’am,” called a footman from below—Leo, she remembered. “Ye’d not like to see what all that lot did to get banished!”

“They’s right gruesome,” added his compatriot Felix.

“Gentlemen.” Like any good butler, Mr. Coburn possessed the ability to materialize out of the ether.

The lads, only slightly penitent, went back to their tasks. “I apologize, madam,” said the butler. “The footmen are in my remit, and as such, their behavior reflects upon me.”

“I am sure that their natures will out, Mr. Coburn, no matter the strictures of the roles they fill.”

“It is my pleasure to see that all in the house act in dignity to service of the duchy,” he rebuked her gently. “It is a privilege to ensure that civility reigns. We walk a fine line, madam, of wishing to be allowed to live free in our essences and also accepted as part of humanity.” He directed them down the corridor, and they processed to the back of the house. “I am well placed to see to preserving this balance in the Hall, while it is the duty of Mr. Gambon specific to the village. And I am used to ruling the roost. Eh? Roost?” He shook his head and tapped the side of his nose, his impressive coif waving, and the skin beneath his neck wattling.

“I believe I nearly met you in the park, Mr. Coburn.” Amusement welled up within her.

“That you did, ma’am, that you did.” He opened a door leading down to the kitchens and Mrs. Birks’s domain. “I will always do all in my power to keep this house and all in it safe in both their natures.”

“I expect nothing less, because you have shown me it is a foregone conclusion.”

* * *

Alfred let her take the lead. Down at the paddock in which her mares had been installed, he stood well away, unwilling to spook them as they had only been settled after the excitement. He watched Felicity and Marshall observe the mares as they followed their mysterious instincts to crop grass, move along, crop again, move again.

Delilah lifted her head and looked directly at him. Prepared for the worst should she react badly to his Shifter nature, he was stunned to see her gallop over to stop in front of him. Not entirely confident that she wouldn’t take it off at the wrist, he extended a hand for her to inspect. She sniffed it with delicacy and then touched his knuckles lightly with her tongue.

“I will take excellent care of your mistress,” he said, “and I give you leave to kick me senseless should I fail in that vow.”

She switched her tail and bared her teeth, as if to say,Your permission is not required,but then she bobbed her head twice before blinking her limpid eyes at him, sweetly. She turned as Felicity approached, allowed her mistress to bestow a good scratch upon her withers, and wandered back to her sisters.

“That was extraordinary.” Felicity gaped at him.

“I believe I handled that very well,” he began.

“Not you. I have never seen her so well-behaved. Good girl,” Felicity cooed to the mare, who turned her head and whinnied. “What a good, good girl!” She smiled up at him. “Lowell Hall must meet her standards.”

“My relief at this conclusion is profound.” In truth, it was. “What news of your stud?”

“Marshall tells me Mr. Bates can’t find Himself,” Felicity said. “He disappeared well before those wretched thugs descended upon my mares.”

“I shall put more of my people on the hunt,” Alfred assured her.

“Sure he’ll turn up if he’s got the scent of the band in his nostrils,” said Marshall. “And if he wants his proper fodder as well.”
