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“No!” She laughed, gleeful and joyful. “But she said—”

“Isay.” He looked down at her, and his power gathered around him. “I say you must give me permission to give you my wolf’s bite. As you felt you had no choice but to marry me—”

“Alfred, that is no longer relevant.”

He dropped a finger to her lips. “You will have the choice of where the bite will fall. We insist.”

She kissed his finger, fluttered her lashes, and ran a hand over her neck. “Here, perhaps? But then everyone would see.”

“It is only to be between us.” His eyes tracked her hand as she traced her shoulder.

“Not here, then,” she said. “My ribs…” Both her hands joined the exploration. “They are not as bony as some, but nevertheless. It wants somewhere softer, does it not?”

“Soft. Yes.” Her hands traveled over her breasts, and her nipples strained for his touch. His eyelids drooped, and he smiled; she saw a flash of teeth that were not the man’s. “I might, there.”

“Let us investigate every possibility.” She bent her legs and presented him with a calf. “I am proud of my strong legs,” she said. “Might I interest you in one?”

His grabbed her foot. “These little toes,” he crooned, nipping the smallest. She tried to pull away, and he leaned down and dragged his nose from ankle to thigh. “A glorious leg, tiny toes and all.” He dropped a kiss on her hip. “I like this exceedingly well.”

“I do not.”

“But I do. And all in between.” He nestled between her thighs and dropped his chin on her belly. “Now, this. This is a wonderful site for my tribute.” He ran his face all over her belly until she laughed, and he raised himself on his arms. “But it must be your choice.”

She parted her thighs and took his hand. “It is very soft here. And very private. You did say it is meant to be shared only between ourselves.”

“So tempting,” he growled. “And delicious, as I well know.” He raised up to kneel over her. “May I suggest?”

She was becoming accustomed to being moved with expedience—only just. She found herself on her belly, and he on all fours over her back. His tongue traced her spine, and she shuddered at the new sensation. “I adore your waistline.” He gave a nip on either side. “This part here, right here.” He squeezed low on her flank but high on her hip. “I have held myself back from this.” His mouth ran back and forth, over and over, his hands cupping her bottom, and she dissolved in want and desire. “This is like nothing I have ever touched, so lush, so warm. I do not even think this has a name. It is not your hip, or your waist, or your heavenly bottom…”

“Heavenly!” She gasped. His fingers slid up and commenced caressing her very sensitive place. “It is too large.”

“It is perfect,” he retorted. He took a breath, and his fingers slowed in their movement. “This place of no name is the epitome of perfection.” His fingers moved with swiftness now, and Felicity moved against them. One finger parted the depths and entered her, then another. He flipped her onto her side, and the palm of his hand hit that special place, and she moaned.

“The first time…” she said.

“The first time?” he whispered into her flesh.

“When you kissed me, in the Bassett Room, you touched me there.” And she moved against his hand as he stroked that nameless yet delicious spot. “And I thought I might give you anything you asked for, just then. That is the place I choose.”

“Then so it is.” He leaned over and breathed onto that spot, that odd spot, a spot no one would ever regard, and kissed it, caressed it with his face even as his hand pleasured her. A tingle sparked, a warmth gathered beneath his mouth. He kissed it, suckled it, and as his fingers brought her close, closer, closest, his teeth ran across her body, once, twice, thrice, and as she came, as her body shook with release, she felt his fangs, felt the bite in her side, the pain that mixed with her pleasure. Her skin gave to admit him, much like her body had done the first time they’d joined. An energy meshed with her release, as if his breath were entering her body, as though his very essence were entering it, and she called his name, over and over, until he licked the spot, healing it, bathing it in kisses, murmuring against it, before she whispered, “My love, my love,” and he pulled her into his embrace, and they rocked each other in sheer bliss.

* * *

Alfred set about stoking the fire and replenishing the candles as Felicity lazed about, exerting herself only to watch the light from both sources dance along the delicious flesh on display.

“I would say I am happy to help,” she said, “but it would be disingenuous.”

“It is the job of the Alpha to tend to his mate.” He set the last candle and clattered the tea things about.

“What is the job of the Alpha’s mate?”

“You have been fulfilling it from the start,” he said. “Supporting the staff, intervening on their behalf, identifying the shortfalls in the household, negotiating between factions. Your general demeanor exuded strength and compassion, your vitality in standing up to me…”

“Does that not undermine your authority?”

“It does not. It presents the picture to the pack that I am balanced by a strong feminine.”

“I was compelled to right the wrongs I saw, whether or not it was my concern.” She plumped the pillows, which had become disarranged. “When I told you everything that day in the meadow—”
