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“Then, to show your love, you must allow me to be your confidant,” Evelyn urged.

Maggie shook her head. “Oh no. Anything I tell you, you will snitch to Reese.”

Evelyn sniffed. “I would never betray a sister’s confidence.”

Maggie cringed. She didn’t set out to offend Evelyn. She hated to think she made Evelyn cry because of her own insecurity. “He wanted to know if I enjoyed his kiss,” Maggie blurted.

A secretive smile lit Evelyn’s face, and her mood changed dramatically. “His kiss? And when, pray tell, did this kiss occur? Because you never left Reese’s sight since we set out for today’s outing.”

Maggie blew out a breath at her gullibility. She’d fallen for Evelyn’s trick. “Two nights ago at the Kendrick Ball, I wandered outside and got lost in the woods. Crispin—”

“Crispin?” Evelyn interrupted with a raised eyebrow.

Maggie stayed silent. The more she tried to explain, the deeper she only dug herself in. If she refused to say anything else, then Evelyn wouldn’t have any information to share with Reese.

Evelyn regarded Maggie as she remained quiet. It wasn’t her place to reprimand her behavior, especially with how she had pursued Reese. However, she could offer her advice and hope Maggie would proceed with caution. While Evelyn thought Lord Dracott an excellent match for Maggie, her husband wasn’t convinced yet. He thought the viscount had ulterior motives for his pursuit of Maggie, and she wasn’t one to ignore her husband’s opinions.

Evelyn drew Maggie’s hands between hers. “I will not press you for any more details. Nor will I share what I learned with another soul. However, I warn you to proceed with caution. Only offer Lord Dracott what you do because your heart wishes to, not because of any pressure he applies to act differently.”

“Oh, but he did not,” Maggie protested.

Evelyn peered into Maggie’s eyes and made her judgement that Maggie spoke the truth. “I believe you. May I ask for a promise?”

Maggie nodded.

“Please do not cause a scandal. I fear your brother cannot take on any more added stress.” Evelyn winked.

“Whoop!” Maggie shouted with excitement. “I knew it.”

Evelyn laughed. “Shh. ‘Tis a secret I expect you to keep. We will announce our news after your ball and not until then. We do not wish to take away from your excitement.”

“You understand I do not care about that ridiculous ball. Mama is more excited than I am.”

“She only wants you to succeed. We all do.”

“I promise. No scandal from me this season.” Maggie shrugged. “However, I cannot make the same promise for my other siblings.”

Maggie stood and helped Evelyn to her feet. They hooked arms and strolled through the park on their return home. When Reese married Evelyn, they had suffered their own tribulations and their marriage survived stronger than ever. They were role models she wanted to replicate with her own marriage, unlike the one of her parents. Oh, her Mama wasn’t the one to lay the blame on. That fault lay with her father alone. Reese had walked along the same path until he married Evelyn. The love they held for each other had won in the end.

Maggie wanted someone to love her as deeply and profoundly. Was Lord Dracott the gentleman to capture her heart? Or did he have an ulterior motive he had yet to reveal?

Only a few more kisses would tell.
