Page 16 of Beautiful Rose

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“I’m grumpy because I had to rush through my morning schedule and skip my stretching and hair wash.” I run a hand through my small ponytail. “My hair feels oily.”

“Your hair looks good.” Kristy pulls my hand away. “Don’t you see? Today, we can sit and enjoy our coffee in the café? It’s empty.”

“You left home early to…sit in a café?” I’m seriously confused. “Wasn’t the habit about starting work early?”

“The habit was to reach work early.” She points in the direction of the office building. “We are almost there.”

Before I can call her out, she turns to the smiling barista and places our order of two latte macchiatos and a blueberry muffin for herself. Thank God, I had time to get my breakfast right.

When we grab a corner table, I sit across from her, facing the chalkboard wall as she takes a chair facing the door.

As the time passes, the café starts to buzz with the usual morning sounds, voices of people placing their breakfast orders, the front door continuously opening and shutting.

“Are you seriously not going to talk about yesterday?”

This is the third time she’s asked me this question since she caught me smiling with Zander.

“I told you already. I showed Zander my findings and he was pleased.”

Remembering our meeting, a warm sensation fills my chest and flows everywhere through my body until it settles into my fingertips and toes.

“He looked more than pleased.” She wiggles her eyebrows, probing me to say more. But when I don’t take the bait, she looks me in the eye, straight-faced. “You were smiling at him—with him.”

“I know. Believe me, I’m equally surprised.” I fix my glasses and rub my forehead, trying to find the next words. “Toward the end, it became easier…talking to him. I wasn’t as anxious as always. It was…different with him.”

I’m distracted when a shadow appears behind me, my nose tickling as it takes in the woodsy scent with a hint of vanilla.

“Hello, Ms. Asher.” Zander appears in my full sight. “I hear the coffee’s good here.” He tips his take-away cup in Kristy’s direction.

“Hello, Mr. Teager,” Kristy replies in an overly chirpy tone. “You heard right.”

Turning to me, he says, “It’s nice seeing you again, Ms. Marlin.”

His lips curl and a beautiful smile lights up his face. My eyes transfix on that dimple for a second before giving him a nod and hiding away from his mysterious, warm gaze.

“I hear our girl left you speechless yesterday.”

My eyes widen at Kristy’s unnecessary remark. Why does she have to say that?

I grab my coffee mug and bring it closer to my lips, just so I don’t have to speak.

“Rose is a woman of few words,” she continues. “You might have noticed that.”

What’s up with her?

Usually, she jumps into discussion whenever there’s a chance I might become the center of attention. But today, not to my liking, she continues to babble about me.

“Yes. I’m finding out that everyone here has an outstanding work ethic.”

“And to that note”—Kristy glances at her watch and then at me—“I gotta run to a meeting. I can leave Rose to your company if you like.”

W-what’s happening?

By the time I stand, grabbing my half-empty coffee mug, Kristy has already exited the café.

“Ms. Marlin, do you mind?” Zander slips into Kristy’s empty chair.

Why is everyone so fast?
