Page 30 of Beautiful Rose

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The thought of leaving Cherrywood bums me out.

This is fucking crazy. I yank at my tie in irritation.

What the hell am I thinking?

I’m acting like a five-year-old in Disneyland, not wanting to return home. I have a life in St. Peppers. A business to run.

My topmost priority at this moment should be getting everything ready for the third site.

Instead of picking up the menu and ordering dinner from room service as I do every other evening, I decide to go out.

My hotel is located in the heart of Cherrywood, and I start my hunt for a good meal that’ll cheer me up.

I stop outside a fine dining restaurant. Although I was looking for something casual, now the thought of sitting in a crowded place doesn’t interest me too much. I step in and a waitress greets me.

“Would you like a table, sir?”

“Yes, please. Just for one.”

“Sure. We have a place here.” She points to a setting between a large dinner party and a teenage birthday celebration. “Or there is also a small, more private table in the back.” The young blonde girl gives me a kind smile.

I shrug. “I’m looking for some quiet tonight.”

“Sure. Please follow me.”

We walk beyond the celebrations until she takes me to the end of the big restaurant and—holy fuck, there’s Marr and Kristy.

“Hello, ladies,” I greet them, barely holding back my excitement as my mood makes a one-eighty shift.

“Zander, what are you doing here?” Kristy asks, and my eyes quickly scan their table—some barely touched appetizers and drinks that are still full. Looks like they’ve just started.

Thank fuck.

“I decided to skip the usual room service,” I tell Kristy as I smile at Marr, who gives me a shy smile of her own.

“Sir, would you like me to add a placing for you here?” the patient waitress asks.

“Oh no. I wouldn’t want to impose.” Inside, I’m frantically wishing against my words.

“Are you kidding? It’s no imposition.” Kristy is already picking up her drink and the bread basket, making a place for me at their table.

I look hesitantly at Marr and she nods.

“So, how are you liking Cherrywood?” Kristy asks after I’ve settled in.

“Much more than expected. I wasn’t prepared to be so amazed.” My gaze lands on Marr, who shies away while sipping her cocktail.

The waitress hands us three menus, and I place an order for whiskey and braised lamb. After returning the leather-bound book, I peer at Marr, her eyebrows furrowed as she mulls over the choices.

Next time, when she turns the page, her eyes meet mine over the menu covering half her face.

I think it’s on reflex—her gaze lowers, but then seconds later, she looks up again. There’s a twinkle in her blue eyes as she adjusts her glasses. She turns to the waitress and places her order before smiling my way.

Our drinks arrive—a whiskey for me and a round of refills for the ladies.

“What are you drinking?” I look in amusement at their glasses filled with colorful liquids.

“I’m a cosmo girl.” Kristy raises her glass to me. “And Rose will drink any cocktail as long as it has a trace of iced tea in it. What is it today?” She tilts her head toward her friend.
