Page 9 of Beautiful Rose

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He’s about to say more when there’s a knock.

Kristy pokes her head through the half-open door. “Oscar, do you have a minute?”

I welcome the interruption and get up from the chair. “Please come in, Ms. Asher. We’re almost done.” I look over my shoulder and tell Oscar, “I’ll see you in a bit.”

I jump into the descending elevator car on my way to thank the barista in the café for arranging the unconventional breakfast order, while the recipient of that said breakfast invades my thoughts.

* * *

When I step back into the building, the soft, velvety voice that is slowly taking up residence in some hidden corner of my brain gets my attention. I open the door closest to me and swiftly enter what looks like a janitor’s closet. My nose crinkles when I breathe in the strong bleach smell, but my attention returns to the two girls who have, by some miracle, just stopped outside this door.

“Kristy, do we really have to leave?” couch girl asks.

I notice her voice is no longer quivering. She’s clearly more comfortable around her friend.

“Of course. You haven’t been home in two nights. Why are you even complaining?” Kristy puts her hand on her hips, staring at her friend. “And by the way, why weren’t you home last night? Wasn’t your work supposed to be done by Sunday evening?”

“Yeah, but... I ran into a bug. By the time I was done with the fix, it was already six in the morning.”

Kristy frowns and doesn’t look very happy with the answer. “Why didn’t you call me, Rosie? I was so worried when I couldn’t find you this morning. Your phone was off.”

“I… I’m sorry. I didn’t…think about it.”

I watch through the peephole, couch girl looking at Kristy with apologetic eyes. A moment passes before Kristy links her arms with her friend.

“It’s okay. It’s a good thing Oscar gave you the day off. You need some rest.”

Jesus, how long was I gone? Oscar already had the time to send her packing.

“And why do you get a day off?” Couch girl raises an eyebrow at Kristy. The tease in her voice surprises me.

Is she the same girl that was stammering in the conference room?

“I don’t. I’ll be working from home and making sure that you get some rest.”

“But I need to research for tomorrow’s meeting with the CEO.”

I kick myself inwardly. She’s been in the office for the past three days and deserves some time off. But in my own excitement, I forgot about it. I also hate the fact that she’s calling me the CEO. It feels...impersonal.

Is she intentionally avoiding my name like I’m avoiding hers?

I wonder how it’ll be to hear my name from her lips.

The nagging ache in my heart is back.

Fuck, this girl is doing crazy things to me.

Kristy growls. “Inconsiderate! That’s what he is. If Zander Teager thinks he can boss us around, he’s definitely got it all wrong.”

Kristy is scary! I wonder how my timid couch girl is friends with her. My? Jesus!

“I think he can, and he is the boss.” A beautiful giggle escapes her, and it’s the most melodious sound.

“Traitor! You’re taking his side instead of mine?” There’s a hint of teasing in Kristy’s voice and

I wonder if it’s usual for them to tease each other or if this is something exclusive for me.

“Huh?” A deep frown etches on couch girl’s face.
