Page 21 of Loving Rose

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Beast opens the top drawer of his desk and places an unopened pack of cigars on the table. Zach lifts it up, but the pack is immediately retrieved by Beast, and Zach receives a smack to his hand. “Not for you.”

Zach shrugs, and my lips curl up at their playful banter until my brother’s attention shifts to me. “You guys set a date yet?”

Jesus. It seems everyone except my bride is eager for the wedding.

“No. Maybe next year.” My pulse shoots at the mere thought of it. “Maybe on my birthday.” Now that’s a load of baloney, but there’s nothing wrong with being hopeful.

“You stupid prick.” Zach slides from the desk and flicks my head. “You can’t do that. Have you no understanding of the female brain?”

Fucker. I hit his hand away.

“Girls love to celebrate special days. Birthdays, proposals, engagements—all that shit.” He counts off, raising his fingers up in the air. “You want to marry Rose on your birthday so she has one less day to celebrate?” He looks annoyed while stating the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.

“Are you serious? What kind of fucked-up logic is that?”

“It’s female logic.”

“He spends the most time with ladies out of any of you, Zander. Listen to what your brother says.” Beast chuckles, loving our stupidity.

“Okay,” I concede. “I’m not marrying her on my birthday.”

I hope it happens sooner than that.

We return to the foyer, and I find Rose with Zane, already waiting for us.

Beast pulls her in for a surprise hug. “It was a pleasure to meet you.” He hands her his card and places a kiss on her forehead in something like fatherly affection. “Call me anytime.”

“Thanks,” she says. My heart fills with giddiness at his warm affection to my girl, and her cheeks turn rosy pink and her eyes gleam with excitement. “It was nice to meet you too.”

“I hope to see you more,” he says, patting her cheeks like she’s his little girl.

After wishing goodbye to Beast and promising to meet Zane and Zach for dinner, we leave.

I’m walking on the clouds, my hand on Rose’s back as I guide her to the car.

Beast approves of my girl. I guess this is what heaven feels like.

I settle into the driver’s seat and pull her hands to my mouth to press open-mouthed kisses over them, making her giggle. “I’m so happy.”

“Me too. I think Beast likes me.” Her face has a hundred-watt smile.

“Of course he does. Why wouldn’t he?”

I’m now seriously wondering why I even had a doubt about it.

She’s too easy to fall in love with.



“What do you want for dinner?” I holler from the kitchenette of my hotel suite. We’re back after a long day of work.

These past few days in Cherrywood have been…blissful.

Every evening, Rose and I leave the office together. Sometimes I show up at her building just to pick her up since my days are spent holed up the upcoming site. Sometimes I’m at her office for an afternoon meeting. Twice, she’s paid me an unannounced visit with lunch at the new site, and I fucking loved it.

Rose asked Clementine if she’s fine living in their house alone, and it seems Clem is more than happy about it. In fact, her excitement at having the house all to herself made me wonder if she ever wanted a roommate at all.
