Page 26 of Loving Rose

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“You’re looking forward to hosting parties?” I ask, surprised, and her wide gaze travels to me for a second before she looks away. “Couch girl?” I bring her attention back to me with my finger under her chin.

“Um, I don’t know. Maybe.” She shrugs. When I raise an eyebrow at her, she whispers, “Oscar’s gram once invited us to their large family Christmas party, and I wondered how it would be to host a gathering of my own.” She looks up at me from under her eyebrows. “Is it crazy?”

How could this be crazy?

Isn’t this what I always wanted? My family all together.

“Why would it be crazy, babe? It’s beautiful, like you. You making plans for the future, which includes my family and our friends, is the most wonderful thing. It means we’re moving forward.”

“Now your brothers are my family too. I’m no longer alone. I want to celebrate every moment with you in our home.” Her twinkling gaze moves around.

“And that’s the best thing I’ve ever heard.” I hug her tight, her words washing away all the anxiety and insecurity from earlier. I’ve been worried about nothing.



We have officially closed on the property. I can’t believe Henry and Zander made this happen so fast. It still feels like a dream.

I once again swipe the hundreds—okay, not hundreds—of photographs on my phone, and each one is still there.

The rustic cottage with tall windows.

The flowing creek glimmering under the moonlight, making it appear like diamonds shining on a fairy’s billowy skirt.

The cozy fireplace roaring in orange flames when Zander threw some wood in it on our last visit.

This is all perfect.

When I swipe one more time, my gaze stops on a photograph of Zander and me by the fire.

He’d placed the gray plush blankets on the floor and spread an extra over us.

My shoulders are bare, with the blanket tucked under my arms.

This girl doesn’t look like me—that’s my first thought.

Everything starting from my unruly hair, my dreamy blue eyes, and the wide smile on my face, which has an orange glow because of the fire, is so unlike me.

How did this happen?

Because of him.

My gaze shifts to Zander.

Sweet sugar, he is beyond handsome. His side of the blanket sits pooled on his lap. His brawny arms and his chest and abs are on full display.

My breath catches at the sight of him.

It’s like I’m transported back to that room, near that hot fireplace.

Crab, he’s too hot. My whole body feels hot and…sweaty.

I glance back at myself, this time with less scrutiny.

I fit in this picture. I fit next to this handsome man. If some stranger sees this photograph, they would believe that I’m his and he’s mine.

While I’m still drooling all over my bare-chested man, he makes an appearance out of my bathroom in nothing but my baby-blue towel wrapped around his waist.
