Page 43 of Loving Rose

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“Can’t complain.” He affectionately pats my cheeks. His eyes, as always, are warm. Ash raises an eyebrow at Zander. “You said it was something urgent. What is it?”

“Not everyone is here.”

As if on cue, the doorbell rings.

Zander opens the door, and the smile on my face disappears upon seeing Oscar and Kristy.

What are they doing here?

My gaze moves from her face to her flat stomach, and the familiar feeling of dread returns. Since my meltdown, I’ve tried to not think about her and her news.

My breathing quickens, and at once, Zander is beside me. He rubs my arms, providing me with his warmth and strength.

“Shh, babe. Just breathe,” he whispers in my ear.

Kristy perches on the other end of the couch, while I’m bundled on Zander’s lap. She keeps a distance between us, and tears fill her eyes to see me in panic. I hate myself for doing this to her, for making her feel that she’s somehow responsible for what’s happening to me.

“I’m sorry,” I mouth to her, tears pooling in my own eyes as she shakes her head.

I try to keep my focus only on Zander’s touch keeping me safe. Slowly bringing me back from the world haunted by my fears.

When Zander introduces our new guests to Beast, Ash’s gaze jumps between Kristy and me. I notice how his attention stays on Kristy for a minute longer before his head jerks back to me. People often mistake us as sisters due to our exact matching eye color.

“Why have you called us here, Zander?” Oscar’s annoyed voice draws my attention to him. I can understand his lack of enthusiasm. He and Kristy would be celebrating the happy news if they weren’t summoned here by my fiancé.

Zander straightens behind me, bringing his hand forward and looking at his favorite Patek Philippe watch. “I’m still waiting for someone.”

Oh, yes. Beast’s family.

When the doorbell rings the next time, Zane answers before he returns with Sophia.

What is she doing here?

I glance toward Kristy in question, but her frown tells me this is a surprise for her too.

“Mom? What—”

“Sophia?” Beast unexpectedly interrupts Kristy and gets up in a rush. His hands shake as he grabs the back of the couch to steady himself. All the color from his radiant face evaporates as if he’s seen a ghost.

“Ash.” Her voice is just a whisper as her chin and lips tremble.

“God! It is you, Sophia.”

In one long stride, Beast reaches out to her, a myriad of emotions passing on his face—happy, sad, shocked. Then he does something surprising.

He pulls her into his arms.

And it’s not a gentle hug like he gave to me and the Teager boys.

It’s a suffocating, all-consuming hug. Like he’s been waiting to do this for all eternity. Like he thinks Sophia might disappear if he doesn’t hold on to her tight.

“Is this a dream, Soph?” Their interaction is so intimate that I feel like a voyeur watching it while sitting on my couch.

“Mom! W-what’s happening? How do you know Ashcroft Miller?”

Before Sophia can answer, Beast’s head jerks to Kristy. His bloodshot eyes widen. “Mom? You are Chloe.”

“Um… No, I’m Kristy.” Her gaze moves around the room. “What’s going on here?”
