Page 6 of Loving Rose

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Every year on my birthday, I pull it out and remind myself how far I’ve come. But today, this moment feels less powerful. Maybe because I have something more potent to remind me of my journey.

A beautiful ring on my finger and the person who put it there.

My hand flattens on the small pill box, and there’s a clink when the band of my ring touches the metal box. I graze my right hand over my left, feeling the diamonds digging into my skin.

My bedroom door flings open, and I quickly hide the box under my pillow. Kristy prances in, holding a tray with three coffee mugs and cupcakes, each with a different-colored candle on top. She’s followed by Clementine, who places a Happy Birthday headband over my head.

“What’s going on?” I squeal before fixing my glasses.

“Birthday weekend, what else?” Kristy says as they both settle onto my bed.

“My birthday is tomorrow.” I’m about to pick up a cupcake and remove the candle when Clementine shakes her head. She lights the candles, and only after I’ve blown them all does she allow me to pick one up. But my irritation soon dies. After all, the cupcakes are from Hawthorne Bakery, which is owned by Clem’s grandmother and is a treasure in Cherrywood.

“We know that handsome hunk of yours will kidnap you tomorrow, so we are celebrating today.” Clem always has crazy, though aptly fitting, nicknames for Zander.

The soft blueberry cupcake melts in my mouth and reminds me of Zander’s amazing baking skills. These days, everything reminds me of him. “What’s the plan?” I ask.

“We’re going to hit the mall, followed by a lavish lunch at Giovanni’s. Then we’ll head to the spa, and our last stop will be the dance club.” Clem even shimmies up and down, showing off her dance moves despite there not being any music.

I forget to chew, hearing her describe all the things which are so not me. I tug on the cuff of my shirt as my chest rises and falls in panic at imagining myself in a crowded mall or dance club.

“Hey, Rosie, relax.” Kristy nudges Clem’s feet. “You know Clem. She’s kidding. We’ll hang here and then order takeout from Giovanni’s. Maybe watch some chick flick.”

I nod. Anything is better than the mall-spa-club trio.

Clementine cocks her head at me while licking the white frosting from her cupcake. “Did you see how fast this superhero junkie agreed to the chick flick?”

* * *

Clementine leans back on the couch. “God, I’m gonna miss Giovanni’s when I finally get out of this stupid town.”

“Why do you want to leave so bad?” I fold the empty pizza box as we sit on our living room vintage rug after lunch.

Cherrywood is one of those charming, postcard-perfect towns that instantly make you fall in love with it. In addition, all of her family is nearby.

“You have to ask? I’ve never been out of this town. Like never. If not for my brother and my gram, Mom would have homeschooled me.” Her hands clench into fists, as they do every time she talks about her mother. Awful is a strong word, but there is no better adjective to describe the relationship between Clementine and her mother.

“It’s not that fun, and aren’t you living independently since you moved here?” I remind her.

“Yes. In a way, I am. But Mom’s security is still outside twenty-four seven, monitoring me and anyone else who enters and leaves the house.”

“Wh-what?” The iced tea glass in my hand suddenly feels ten times heavier, and my limbs freeze at the revelation.

Someone’s watching me.

Twenty-four seven.

“It’s no big deal, Rose.” Kristy’s voice is faint as she grabs my hands from mercilessly pulling on the cuff of my shirt. “They’re all good people, and they just sit at the diner across the street.”

When my tremors don’t subside, she holds my face between her soft hands and forces me to look at her.

“Breathe.” Her gaze is calm and patient as she waits for me to start my three-step breathing.

After a few seconds, I close my eyes and take deep breaths, filling my stomach, my lungs, and my throat, holding the air and then letting it all out.

Kristy’s hands gradually move from my face to my shoulders. She presses lightly over my knotted muscles. “All’s fine, Rose.” Her words slowly bring me back.

“How do…you know about this?” I meet her gaze, but before Kristy can reply, Clementine jumps the gun.

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