Page 68 of Loving Rose

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My sister jumps into problem-solving mode. “Don’t you worry about that. We’ll meet Clementine tomorrow. I’m gonna talk to her tonight.”

“Thank you, Kris. See you tomorrow.”

We both squeal again before ending the call.

“That’s done. Who else?” I hang my arms around Zander’s neck, sifting through his hair with my fingers.

“Beast? Shit! He’s your dad. Do I need to ask his permission or something?”

I chuckle, watching him panic. “We’re already engaged.” I show him the beautiful ring sitting on my finger.

“Um, yeah, good point. But let’s call them.” He puts the phone on speaker as he hits Beast’s contact info.

“Hello.” My dad’s throaty voice resonates in our gazebo.

Zander nods, giving me the opportunity to speak. “Dad?”

“My Rose girl.” I can hear the shift in his tone as it gets laced with affection. “All okay?”

“Yes. We have news. Is Soph—I mean, is Mom with you?”

“Yeah. Let me put you on speaker.” After a second, he says, “Go on, honey, your mom’s listening.”

“Mom, Dad, we’ve decided to get married next week.”

“Oh, my baby! That’s lovely news.” Mom’s voice trembles as she congratulates us. “Have you guys decided on a day?”

“Not yet. We’re still thinking.” My heart bounces against my chest in giddiness. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy in my whole life.

It takes my elated brain a second to register the silence. I worry we’ve lost connection. “Hello?”

“Yeah, we’re here,” Dad replies after a beat. “We wanted to share something with you next week.” He pauses again. His hesitation forces Zander and me to sit upright. “How does Wednesday sound? For the wedding?”

Before I can reply, he adds, “Of course, if it makes sense to you guys.”

“Is there a reason for such a specific day, Beast?” Zander asks while I’m lost for words.

“It’s…it’s Rose’s birthday.”

Everything goes dead silent for a minute as Zander stiffens beside me. My ears can’t even hear the chirping of birds anymore as the words hit home.

My birthday.

“Are you sure?” I hear Zander’s voice coming from afar.

“Sophia and I went to the hospital last month to collect whatever information they had from that day.” He pauses again. “We weren’t hiding it from you, my Rose girl. We were planning to tell you next week. Hoping to make this day special for all of us.”

“My birthday?” I whisper.

I hear Mom’s sniffles as Dad hums in agreement.

“But nothing could be more special than your wedding day. A day when you’re starting a new life in so many ways.” Mom’s croaky voice makes my heart and head hurt.

I thought the mystery of my life was solved, but it appears not. For so long, I wondered if I’d ever learn what my real birthday is. But I never imagined how I’d feel if that day came.

I guess confused and conflicted is the answer to that question.

“We’ll think about it and let you know,” Zander tells my parents when I can’t seem to find the right words. His grip around me hasn’t loosened a bit.
