Page 10 of The Lies of Gravity

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Luke was a fucking wet dream rolled into one tight, well-formed package. I mean, he looked like a bright orange oompa loompa kitted out in vintage Knicks merchandise that was available. He’d been played and rather than be sold the new orange and blue kit had been sold the vintage wear at a much higher cost. I bet the vendors outside had a field day when they heard the British accent. The same British accent that got my cock hard as nails. He was a local’s idea of perfection, but for a tourist it was a reign of terror.

I’d never wanted to just sit and enjoy someone’s company as much as I did right now. I mean, who did that, especially with someone they didn’t know?

“So why did you pick to see the Knicks?” I questioned Luke, thinking back to his uncertainty of liking the team before I took a swig of my beer, watching the timer on the screen count down until the game restarted.

It’s not like I was bothered by the fact the game was about to restart soon, but it would clear the room and make it quieter to have a proper conversation. Maybe an extra beer or two. I hadn’t seen Luke with anyone tonight, thankfully, so maybe he’d happily stay and indulge me.

“My friend Thomas from back home. He told me I can’t come to NYC and not see a Knicks game. Would you agree?” Luke questioned as a drop of beer spilt on his lip and his tongue dashed out to lap it up. Fuck, I wanted to lick it up.

“Truthfully?” I asked.

“Absolutely, always hand on heart.” Luke placed his hand over his heart and cocked his head.

“Isobel and Chrissie who work on the front desk—” I said, dropping my gaze to stare at the remaining contents of what was left in my bottle of beer, “—made me attend tonight as payback. I fucking hate the Knicks.”

“Don’t say it too loud in here. You may get lynched.” Luke chuckled. “I’ll have to protect you from them.”

“My British knight in shining armor,” I announced, just as we both locked eyes and noticed the countdown change to the final moments before the restart of the game.

“I guess it’ll be too much then to ask a die-hard Knicks hater to watch the rest of the game with me? You know, for a detailed overview?” Luke wondered as he drank the remainder of his beer in a one go. I don’t know what had gotten into me. The fact I’d not been laid in a few weeks or this man. This mesmerizing man in which I couldn’t drag my gaze away from and stop focusing on the long line of his neck and how I wanted to swipe my tongue along it. I finished the rest of my beer and stood by his side.

“I couldn’t put you through the pain alone now, could I? Lead the way.”

I followed Luke back toward the central concourse and the seating areas. I kept by his side, but as we entered block one-hundred-and-two and started heading down the aisle, I wanted to freeze.Please say we were on this row? Maybe the next?But as we kept on moving until we passed Isobel and Chrissie, I caught Isobel’s gaze and the spark of recognition instantly drew across her features. She’d recognized Luke. I knew I had no way of getting out of this. I had a lot of explaining to do.

“We’re right up here. For some reason it’s not that busy. It’s actually a pretty decent view,” Luke uttered as we made our way two rows in front of Isobel and Chrissie.

“Luke…” I started as we took our seats. I wanted to pre warn him about Isobel and Chrissie being behind us but was interrupted.

“Enjoy the game, Fred.” Chrissie winked as we both turned around.

“Luke, it’s the Knicks all the way, baby.” Isobel waved her scarf in the air.

“Long live the King,” Luke replied back in earnest before we both turned back around to get ready for the game.

I thought Luke would run away. That he’d find my friend’s instant banter a line too soon to cross, but instead he gave her back an instant retort. One that would have Isobel swooning. A reference to her beloved Knicks.

The moment the game restarted and everyone around focused on the players, I felt the heat start to travel up my cheeks at the realization of being in such close proximity to Luke as our knees touched. It was only then I realized he wasn’t watching the game, but he was watching me.

“Embarrassment has never looked so sexy on a man before,” he whispered.



Sitting next to Freddie, I was trying to be my cool self. The cool and calm playboy that I had a reputation of being. As our knees touched, all I could think of was the butterflies that had taken flight in my stomach. As I looked at him from the corner of my eye, I grinned when I caught his eyes quickly darting away from mine.

It had been a damn long time since someone had actually caused me to have butterflies, but I couldn’t lie and say that it excited me. I tried to silence the voice that was shouting at me to tread carefully, that whatever I may have with Freddie would be rushed.

Instead, I chose to listen to the voice that was shouting louder than my own. Nina’s.

Don’t forget to love yourself, Luke. You’re always there for other people. Remember to be there for yourself.

She could always see through to the heart of situations and I think I secretly loved that she could see through to my own.

I leaned forward and placed my hands on my knees, stretching my arms out as the game ended.

“So, what did you think?” Freddie asked me as he stood. He turned toward me and cocked an eyebrow at me as he gazed down at me.
